Saturday, September 28, 2019

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Tactile Kind of Guy edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

So, you've got a guy in a bathrobe in a hotel room and he wants to sit on his bed and discuss.. er... "franchising"?

Er, pass. But I guess Michelle hasn't been keeping up with the pervs du jour because she gives Reptilian Ray the benefit of the doubt and before you can say "Harvey Weinstein" he's getting very tactile in an 'arrest warrant' kind of way.

Elsewhere, a happy wedding is followed by excruciating heartbreak for Sinead and Daniel, as Sinead's cancer has come back, and it appears that the prognosis is grim enough that she and Daniel are visiting a hospice.

And here's a surprise. Ali is hooked on prescription drugs and requires the intervention of Ryan and Robert (BTW, be forewarned the next time you pop into a variety store and ask for a packet of Mentos).

Somewhat predictably Gemma and her Mom get stopped by store security because Bernie is trying to "leg it" with stolen pants. Luckily the head of store security is an old flame of Bernie's and they decide to get back together. Paul is dead set against this but we don't yet know why (although I have my suspicions).

Aggie Bailey decides that she needs to have a house warming party to get to know her neighbours. Kate discovers that it was Gary (not Jenny) who gave her 1,000 pounds but she doesn't seem bothered at all and happily takes Gary's guilt money to finance her holiday abroad. Kev finds out about Abi's internet posts of his rants but it turns out that a grumpy auto mechanic's musings are good for business.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Ken's advice to Sinead and Daniel:
"The key to a happy marriage is compromise"
(Ken should know. He's had quite a lot of practice)

Repulsive Ray puts his hand on Michelle's knee:
"I think we make great team"
(only if it's a team of pervs)

Ray explains his slimy move to Michelle:
"I'm a tactile kind of guy"
(Don't you mean 'reptile' kind of guy?)

Ali has been following Kev's internet posts:
"I'm a big fan, Kev the Krank"
(don't get him started)

Vicky gives Roberto an engraved dog tag chain:
"Big Daddy"
(It's the thought that counts... I guess)

Well, fellow Street Savants, so ends another week. Not sure I can watch another protracted, sad story line with Daniel and Sinead after the Hailey and Roy saga. Oh well. Let's see what happens. Maybe they'll have some other story lines with a few laughs... please. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by.

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