Saturday, August 28, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the jammy swine edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Does Daisy have any redeeming qualities?

Seems unlikely. After sinking her claws into the gormless Ryan, she turns her evil eye towards Daniel who has just inherited a house. Since Ryan can only offer a cheesy discount vacation at a kids festival, Daisy may be ready to jettison the sad sack in favour of Danny Boy's new real estate empire.

Still on the subject of duplicitous snakes, what's going on with Todd?

Well, seems that Shona was out for a drive (BTW, she's not allowed to drive) and mistook ol' Toddy for a road and... um... knocked him over and then left the scene of the accident. Todd's ok but, in return for his silence, David and Shona must offer Todd top quality lodging and meals otherwise he says he'll go to the police. However, after an intervention by Sarah, Todd decides not to rat out Shona. 

Is this the start of a new nice Todd? 

One has one's doubts but Eileen convinces him not to leave Weatherfield and Billy reluctantly takes him on to help with his soup kitchen as part of Todd's community service.

Elsewhere, someone vandalizes Seb's memorial garden and it turns out to be Abi. But she eventually gives her blessing to Nina's venture and the garden is revived. Seems Asha is not over Nina and using the memorial garden to try and re-kindle their relationship.

Alina believes that Rachel (former trafficking felon) is responsible for the fire in the flat but Ty eventually tells her that Hope did it. Alina is incensed by Ty's deception and believes his story is far fetched. She tells Ty they're done. 

Fiz and Hope were in hiding briefly but are convinced to return home whereupon Fiz is promptly arrested (thanks to a tip-off to the police by Alina). Soon after, Fiz tells the police that she started the fire (not Hope) and now faces a jail term if convicted.

Oh, and Leanne and Nick are interested in buying the bistro from Debbie but, so far, no luck. 

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Shona questions Todd's revenge motivation:
"Is this because I called you a two-faced, backstabbing, snake in the grass?"
(you had me at "snake")

Alya to Ryan:
"Who'd want to go out with a two-timing sleazebag like you?"
(Daisy, it seems)

Alina to Ty and Evelyn about staying in Ty & Fiz's house:
"It's weird sleeping in Fiz's bed"
(it'd be even weirder if Fiz was there)

Mary to Todd re: Eileen's decision to allow her son back home:
"I can't believe she's let you move back in, you jammy swine"
(me neither)

Evelyn is a bit relieved to know that Hope will be dealt with appropriately:
"No one's going to paint redrum on the bedroom door"
(except maybe Kirk... his spelling leaves something to be desired)

Daisy reassures Ryan that it's okay to eat at Speed Daal - even if Alya is there:
"It's not like I'm going to jump your bones between courses"
(I just lost my appetite)

David to Shona re: Todd's decision not to rat out Shona to the police:
"He's after something"
(A heat pump?)

Sarah gives George the lowdown on his employee:
"When the going gets tough, Todd gets going"
(that's what it says on his business card)

Ryan explains to Daisy where he'll be DJing:
"It's the frozen forest"
(...and you're already getting the cold shoulder)

Well, patient punters, so ends another week. Poor Fiz. Banged up and facing the possibility of a jail term. How long can she protect Hope from the truth? Thanks for stopping by and spending some time here at the Hip. Have a great week!

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