Saturday, September 25, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the lesbian film night edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Before starting, can I just say how much I detest that Tim Horton's commercial with the ungrateful, obnoxious young girl who refuses to talk her Mom until she's "had her Tim's" (sugar-laden breakfast cereal).  

Sorry, back to Corrie.

I'm afraid it's bad news for Kelly. She has been found guilty in the murder of Seb while evil Corey has been found not guilty. A triumphant Corey leaves the courtroom and gives Abi a wink on his way out. 

Looks like Kelly could get 12 years in prison and, as a result of her grim fate, she tries to take her life but fortunately does not succeed and winds up recuperating in hospital. 

All this happens after an eventful week. The trial seems to have taken its toll on Imran. His relationship with Toyah is stressed and he accepts an invitation from Sabeen to spend the night at her flat. Hmm.

Abi decides to leave Kev, ostensibly to visit her cousin, but not before telling Kev she never loved him and he was just a stopgap.

Ty seems to be pining for Fiz. Hope is being shunned by her schoolmates and their parents. Alina cancels plans for a trip to Romania as she knows that Ty is preoccupied; she just doesn't realize that he also wants to get back together with his ex.

Aadi is upset with Dev because he's not interested in his social life. Dev, in his usual way, tries to over compensate by arranging a cringe-inducing dinner party with Aadi, Summer and Billy. George and Eileen seem to have patched things up following the Phelan Ashes incident.

And now for a few lines from the dramatic week that was:

Dev tries to cater to Aadi's wishes:
"Would you like a lesbian film night?" 
(depends on the films)

Fiz to Ty:
"I'm not pining for you anymore"
(...or the fjords)

Kev to Sally re: Corey:
"I want to gouge that winking eye out"
(take a number)

Dev to Aadi and Summer:
"Making love is life's greatest pleasure"
(...or so he has read)

Evelyn to Ty:
"You've got a face like a wet Wednesday"
(every day has been pretty miserable)

Simon yells at Imran:
"What kind of a lawyer are you?"
(an affordable one)

George confirms the final resting place of Phelan's ashes:
"Dog poop on the Rec"
(May he rest in poo)

Well, fellow courtroom colleagues, so ends another week. Seems harsh that Kelly was found guilty in Seb's murder. Even more galling that Corey got away with it. Although seems hardly likely that he'll be back at the Weatherfield County Football Academy any time soon. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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