Saturday, October 9, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the delicious clafoutis edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Zeedan is back and Gail is back. One of them gets a beating and one gets a hair styling. I think you can guess who gets what.

Let's start with Zee. He waltzes into Speed Daal just as Alya discovers that she's been scammed out of 50,000 pounds which has disappeared from the restaurant's bank account. It looks bad but Zee generously offers to give Yasmeen and Alya 50,000 pounds. But why and how?

We don't really know the full backstory but Zee says he cheated on his wife and that they are no longer together and, after he gets beaten up by two thugs, he claims it's because his father-in-law isn't happy with the way Zee treated his daughter. 

As for Gail, well it appears that she returned from Thailand with a bad Thai (rhymes with 'pad Thai') haircut and Audrey immediately sets about dealing with the hair trauma.

While all this is going on, Frieda decides to kidnap Aled and prevent him from getting his cochlear implant surgery. She believes the operation will diminish his life as a deaf person. Finally, she agrees to return Aled to Gemma

David wants Daniel to tutor Max but Daniel declines, although he's agreed to help Summer with her university application. The ongoing funeral arrangements for the late Norris continue to cause problems as George tries to satisfy the double-barreled requirements from Mary and from Frieda. 

Tyrone alleges that Phil is two-timing Fiz but it turns out that the other woman is actually a chef/baker whom Phil has asked to prepare a nice dessert for his restaurant dinner with Fiz.

Over at the prison, Kelly discovers that her dad, Rick Neelan, is well known by the women inside and not in a good way. Seems Rick's loansharking activities have destroyed the lives of many people. On top of this, Kelly gets a visit from Sharon (former associate of Rick) which makes Kelly question whether her Dad is alive.. or not. This puts Gary on the hot seat when he visits Kelly.

Pretty slim pickings I'm afraid, but here are a few lines from the week that was:

Audrey to Gail:
"People have bigger fish to fry than worry about what your hair looks like"
(yes, but Gail's hair is a pretty big fish)

Phil explains to Ty and Fiz who the mysterious Brigitte is:
"Her clafoutis is delicious"
(I sincerely hope that's a dessert)

Kevin tries to educate Ty as Ty refers to Phil and Fiz's gourmet meal as a 'tasty' menu:
"I think you'll find it's a 'tasting' menu"
(although it may well be tasty)

Well, Corrie compadres, so ends another week (one episode short of our usual weekly ration - arrgh!). Would have been nice if Zeedan had simply returned to the Street as a successful businessman with a happy marriage and some spare cash - but that's not the Coronation Street way. Instead we await further details of his unfortunate situation. Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week!

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