Saturday, October 23, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Leo Tolstoy of Coronation Street edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Ah yes, the great Curry Conflict of 2021. 

According to the history books, Queen Debbie of Bistro (in her colourful war garb) did do battle with Prince Zeedan of Speed Daal and won a decisive victory by diverting paying punters to her establishment by hiring Zee's chef, offering better deals and making fake bookings at Speed Daal.

Zee may have lost the battle but he is determined to win the war. Looks like things will get ugly... but tasty. 

Meanwhile soccer scumbag Corey has made the first team and scores a goal for Weatherfield County FC. It's enough to make Nina's blood boil and she is determined to mete out justice. She hands out flyers and even considers running over Corey in Roy's woody. Cooler heads (i.e. Roy) prevail but Corey turns Nina's accusations to his advantage with a slick press conference where he feigns sympathy for Seb's friends and family.

Speaking of Seb, Kev is determined to find Abi and tracks down her ex (Seb's Dad) who insists that he doesn't know the whereabouts of Abi. However, we later see him taking a call from Abi who seems to have a plan in mind. Could she be out for revenge for her son's murder?

Jenny and Johnny seem to be on good terms, albeit just as friends. On the other hand, Daisy can't figure out why Daniel isn't falling for her superficial flirty charms. After all, she considers herself a 10 and considers Daniel a mere 6 or 6.5.  But somehow the numbers don't add up.

Summer plagiarizes her personal statement for her application to Oxford but fortunately Aadi steps in and she sees the error of her ways before submitting her application.

It's Sally and Tim's wedding anniversary but Sally's pre-occupied with her crusade to stop non-resident parking on the Street. Her new ally is parking warden Fergus, much to the chagrin of Tim who struggles to get Sally's attention.

Imran has something to hide (and yet he didn't sleep with Sabeen) so what's the secret? Whatever it is, Sabeen is able to blackmail Imran into working on her big case which involves an appeal for super snake Harvey. This entails, among other things, getting hold of an incriminating cellphone from Simon. All the while, Toyah shows her faith and trust in Imran - although he has yet to tell the truth. 

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Headline in the Gazette lauding Corey's goal scoring:
"Corey, Corey, Hallelujah"
(... and his lies go marching on)

Jenny reports back to Daisy on a handsome new customer:
"No wedding ring and he likes Leo Sayer" 
(well, one out of two isn't bad)

Debbie to Jenny on her 'bold' fashion:
"If you've got it, you might as well flaunt it"
(as Roy might say, that pre-supposes that one actually has 'got it' in the first place)

Zeedan describes the culprit who stole his idea for a curry night:
"Middle aged, sharp dresser, short, silvery blonde hair"
(right, everyone be on the lookout for Annie Lennox)

David informs Gail about the mod cons that come with the property:
"The house comes with the sinkhole"
(does that cost extra?)

Sally describes her role on the Street to Fergus:
"I'm the Leo Tolstoy of Coronation Street"
(her speeches are certainly as long as War and Peace)

Well, fellow Weatherfield watchers, so ends another week and still no sign of Abi. I hope she's not in self-destruct mode (again). And how could Imran agree to help free the lowlife drug dealer Harvey? I guess all will be revealed in good time. Thanks for the pleasure of your company here at the Hip and have a great week.

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