Saturday, October 30, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Omar Sharif's bottom edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Good news and bad news last week.

The good news: Imran and Toyah are fostering a four-year old named Elsie.

The bad news:Imran cheated on Toyah, tried to help free the much-reviled Harvey and, oh yes, it was Abi with whom he had the one-night stand. 

Toyah is plenty angry (and that's even without knowing the identity of Imran's legover partner). However young Elsie now seems to be the focus of the couple's foster attention (Kelly who?) and Toyah decides to stay with Imran (for the time being).

What prompted Imran's confession (albeit partial) to Toyah? Good ol' Rita who guessed why Imran was sniffing around trying to get info about Sharon and told Imran a few home truths about his louche behaviour.

Speaking of Abi, she's returned to Kev (and Jack) but is unwilling to commit to any long-term plans. That could be because she got a gun from her ex and seems to be contemplating some kind of revenge on Corey (her son's killer).

Johnny is at loose ends so Carla asks him to help out at the factory. That's fine. On the other hand, Beth sees herself in more of a management role but her mentoring with Carla is not going well. 

Over at the Rovers, it seems that young, fit newcomer Leo is interested in Jenny (not Daisy) and they get together for a date, then it's back to the pub for a little B&B (without the breakfast) - if you know what I mean.

Sadly, romance is not going well for Dev. The ever-gullible bachelor has eyes for Natasha, and Bernie eggs him on. Of course, it all ends in predictable embarrassment for Dev who is now rivalling Fred Elliot on the romance desperation scale.

Over at Speed Daal, another somewhat predictable story is playing out. Zeedan's ex-father in-law wants payback after Zee stole 50K from him. No biggie. Daddio Hashim just wants Zee to get a better haircut launder ill-gotten gains through the books of Speed Dal. That's going to require a lot of takeout chicken tikka.

James, buoyed by the apology he received from the police department, wants to learn about coaching with a view to someday managing a club (and encourage other black footballers to do the same). The club agrees to support him. 

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Daisy to Jenny:
"There's nothing wrong with being a cougar"
(some of my best friends are cougars)

Rita figures out Imran's devious interest in Sharon:
"You used to be a good man, Imran, with integrity"

Toyah to Imran after he confesses his infidelity:
"You dirty, stupid pig"
(the prosecution rests)

Bernie tells a lie to Dev concerning what Natasha actually said about him:
"You were like Omar Sharif in his heyday"
(although that was several decades ago)

Toyah to Imran:
"You're not the man I thought you were"
(who did you think he was?)

Jenny asks Leo about the specifics of his requested pub tour:
"Any rooms in particular?"
(I believe he'd like to start with the legover room)

Father-in-law Hashim to Zeedan:
"Face of a fish, brains of a beetle"
(so, like a scarab salmon?)

Abi to her ex:
"Crawl back to the sewer with the other rats"
(...but thanks for the gun!)

Leo's card in the bouquet of flowers:
"Dear J, fancy a date?"
(yes please! How about a box of Medjools?)

Well, Citizens of Coronation Nation, so ends another week. How long can Imran and Abi keep quiet about their secret one-night legover? Not long, I'm guessing. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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