Saturday, November 6, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Horror-Nation Street edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

I'm no marketing genius but I think I would probably have postponed 'Horror-Nation Street' festivities in light of the.. um.. inclement weather.

But Devilish Debbie is determined to press on and a few drops of rain (i.e. gale force winds and a mega deluge) isn't going to stop her. Unfortunately, the rain-ageddon 'precipitates' an ever-expanding sinkhole problem (thanks Platts) and lots of other incidents.

For starters, Abi is after Corey. She's armed with a gun and looking for revenge despite Nina's attempts to intervene. However, during Abi and Corey's standoff, the ground gives way and both fall into the sewer. Intrepid Roy Cropper finally finds them and rescues Corey (too bad) and then helps Abi to safety after a passionate appeal to her better instincts.

Meanwhile, over at the Big House, Harvey engineers an escape in order to exact revenge on Leanne (and a long list of others). The prison vehicle transporting Harvey overturns and allows Harvey to get free. He coshes poor ol' Kev on the head and heads for (where else?) the Bistro.

Why is Kev on the highway? Good question. He was coming to rescue Dev whose car crashed (near Harvey's escape vehicle). So, with Kev unconscious, it's left to Dev to rescue his two kids from the car before the vehicle bursts into flames. Despite pleas from Aadi, Dev saves Asha first and Aadi almost doesn't make it, although somehow he manages to get out of the burning car without the assistance of his Dad.

So, Kev is in hospital. Aadi is in hospital. Corey escapes Abi's wrath and it looks like Abi is going to be questioned by police.

Meanwhile, over at the Bistro, Harvey takes Leanne prisoner. A chase through the drenched Halloween booths ensues and then the ground gives way (again) and Harvey descends into the sewer. Leanne is safe.

As for the sinkhole, well, it's getting bigger by the moment. Leo is pressed into action and tries to cordon off the danger area - but not before Jenny (who's out looking for Leo) falls into the sinkhole in David's backyard. Then Johnny (who's supposed to going to Indonesia) decides to climb down the sinkhole to rescue Jenny.

And now some lines from a dramatic week that was:

Corey explains the finer points of murder to Abi as he threatens her with a gun:
"Technically a serial killer has to murder three times" 
(thanks for the clarification)

Harvey tells Leanne he's surprised that anyone would be interested in police social media:
"Who follows the police on Twitter?"

Carla to Johnny as they attend Horror-Nation Street:
"I hate clowns"
(they're no laughing matter)

Sign in the House of Horrors:
"In the circus no one hears you scream"
(Not the greatest slogan for a circus)

Aadi to Dev about the first rule of Holiday Club:
"Nobody talks about holiday club"
(especially if Asha doesn't want to go there)

Abi to Nina re :Corey:
"That animal is going get what he deserves"
(FYI, she's not talking about David the dog)

Headline in the Gazette trumpets the fact that star player Corey is leaving:
"Weatherfield's greatest export"
(I always thought it was hotpot)

Toyah hacks into Imran's phone to see what he's been up to:
"Let's see how much of a lowlife snake you really are"
(what are the metrics?).

Phew! Well, Horror-Nation habitués, so ends quite a dramatic week. A terrifying Halloween, buckets of rain, sewer drama galore, a prison escape and an expanding sinkhole. Some got rescued (Abi and Corey) and some remain missing in action (Harvey, Jenny and now Johnny). And, through it all, Debbie is still in costume (I guess those horns suit her). Oh well. Still more drama to come. Thanks for spending some time here at the Hip and have a great week.

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