Sunday, November 28, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Captain Sinkhole edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Looks like Corey and his Dad have been delivered into the hands of the police - by Gary Windass who provided an express courier service.

Here's what happened. The police conducted forensic tests on Corey's clothing (which Nina and Asha tracked down) and concluded that there was enough evidence to charge Corey with the death of Seb. The only snag is that Corey and his Dad legged it and were planning to leave the country so that Corey could get a primo job with a non-extradition country's premier league club (Bolivia United?).

But it didn't pan out because Gary tracked down a crony of Corey's Dad who was supposed to provide an escape vehicle. Gary commandeered the van and drove father and son straight to the cop shop, much to the satisfaction of Nina and Abi who were waiting in front of the police station.

The new development had a domino effect because, after Imran presented an appeal, Kelly was released from prison. Of course, Kelly wasn't exactly welcomed on the Street. Dev barred her and Nina told her to get lost. Even Imran and Toyah were already taking care of another foster child. So Kelly winds up in a support house.

Then, when Dev's new car gets keyed, he naturally accuses Kelly even though we know it was Aadi who did the deed because of his seething resentment of Dev's alleged favouritism towards Asha.

Elsewhere, looks like Summer is falling for Daniel while Max seems besotted with Summer.  Phil is doing his best to respect Ty's relationship with his daughters but Ty isn't helping with his constant grousing at Phil.

Sam is still not talking and Nick is getting more and more concerned, as is Leanne who feels she can't be a replacement Mum for Sam. Emma and Curtis are getting married. Maria is going to run for council (much to Sally's dismay). James urges Danny to take a great job in London at a snazzy restaurant and they agree to try staying together in a long distance relationship.

And now a few lines from the week that was:

Amy asks Summer if she's had sex with Aadi:
"Did you synchronize your watches?"
(It wasn't the right time)

Bernie to David:
"Here he is, Captain Sinkhole"
(Aye aye mateys)

Nick reads from Sam's eulogy to his Mum:
"I've fallen into a black hole and I don't know how to get out"
(Nick could help)

Judge to Kelly as her verdict is overturned:
"You will be released from custody with immediate effect"
(unfortunately "immediate effect" also means that she has become an instant pariah)

Stefan complains that Corey has caused him a lot of grief:
"I should be playing golf"
(maybe they have a mini-putt in jail?)

Gary delivers Stefan and Corey to the police station:
"End of the road boys!"
(nice work, Gary)

Bernie applauds Maria's activism:
"Good for you, burning your bra"
(order another one from Underworld)

Tracy tries to guess Emma's big news:
"You're not up the podge are you?"
(No, but thanks for the good word)

Well, fellow fans, so ends another week. Nice to see that Corey will finally face justice. Thanks for stopping by. I may not have the chance to post next weekend (due to travel) but I'll give it a try.
Till then, thanks very much for stopping by and have a great week.

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