Saturday, November 13, 2021

Coronation Street Catch Up: the wrong Morticia edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Poor Natasha was in the wrong place at the wrong time wearing the wrong outfit.

Local scumbag Harvey escaped from prison and made a beeline for Coronation Street during the massive storm. Harvey broke into Nick and Leanne's flat and shot a woman wearing a Morticia (from the Addams Family) costume whom he assumed was Leanne (since Leanne and Natasha were wearing the same costume). 

Of course, it wasn't Leanne and a badly injured Natasha is taken to the Ena Sharples Wing of Weatherfield General Hospital but sadly succumbs to her injuries leaving Nick and young Sam devastated.

As for Harvey, well he commandeers Nick's car with Leanne behind the wheel but a determined Leanne drives the car straight into a skip. Leanne is okay but an injured Harvey is swiftly apprehended by the police and returned to jail.

Poor Natasha wasn't the only victim of that dark and stormy night.

When Johnny learns that Jenny has fallen down the sinkhole (in David's backyard), he throws caution to the wind and climbs down the sinkhole to rescue her. When all seems hopeless, Shona comes to the rescue but, tragically, she only succeeds in saving Jenny while Johnny dies.

The aftermath of the storm of the century is grief as Nick and Sam deal with the loss of Natasha. And, Carla and Jenny deal with the loss of Johnny. Carla and Jenny are incensed when they learn that the whole nightmare could have been prevented if David and the Platts had promptly fixed the sinkhole in their backyard.

Meanwhile Roy is racked with guilt as he fears that the gun which Abi lost while threatening Corey might well have been the same firearm which Harvey subsequently found and used to shoot Natasha.

Over at the Alahan's, Aadi is recovering after his brush with death but he is angry at Dev because Dev ignored his pleas for help in favour of helping Asha. To make Aadi feel better, Dev offers him a job as assistant manager of the Alahan empire. This does little to mollify Aadi but he accepts the offer.

The week ends as Asha spots Corey's sports bag carried by a homeless man named Stu. Nina and Asha try to find the fellow at Rev Billy's soup kitchen, to no avail. However, Stu shows up at Corey Brent's house and tries to blackmail Corey since he now has his bag in his possession.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Daniel tells Daisy how the Platt's sinkhole caused a bigger problem: 
"I think there's something you should know about why the Street collapsed"
(go on...)

Sam reads a touching note to his Mom which explains his reluctance for kisses:
"I'm not a fan of sticky strawberry lip gloss"
(poor Sam)

Stu confronts Corey with some incriminating evidence:
"I'll give you back your bag for a price"
(the ball's in Corey's court)

Harvey to Leanne (after he shot Natasha by mistake):
"You're meant to be dead"
(you're meant to be in jail)

Shona explains to Kev & Abi why Harvey killed Natasha:
"Shot the wrong Morticia cause that was her costume as well" 
(is there a right Morticia?)

Aadi to Summer re: Dev's actions during the auto accident:
"He left me to die. My own Dad"
(harsh words)

Jenny kicks Daisy out of the Rovers:
"I want to remember my husband without looking at your snidey face"
(fair enough)

Jenny to Carla:
"I'm drinking to remember Johnny"
(I'm no expert but you can probably do that without alcohol)

Sam knows his Mum is receiving excellent care in hospital:
"Our healthcare system ranks amongst the highest in the world"
(Weathy General does have a good track record with Corrie residents) 

Well, fellow waterlogged Weatherfielders, so ends another week. The Street is now drier and brighter but the aftermath of the storm is bleak as we lose Natasha and Johnny. One possible ray of light is the fact that some new evidence has come to light in the Corey Brent case, but it seems that Stu is more interested in blackmail than justice. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

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