Saturday, January 8, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Pinot Patrol edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Emma has the wedding bell blues.

The truth about her factitious fiancĂ© is leaked by Amy and, once she tells her Dad, Steverino interrupts the wedding ceremony as he believes that not only is Curtis a liar (about his heart condition and his med school studies), but also a thief who planned to skip the country with a cool 100K -- which was supposed to be deposited in an account for Oliver's charity.

Let's backtrack a bit. 

Emma gets suspicious and has a chat with Curtis' Dad. He begins to clue her in to Curtis' real malady (i.e. pretending he is sick in order to elicit sympathy from people).  When Emma confronts Curtis, he admits the truth and finally seeks therapy for his factitious disorder. However he still insists that he loves Emma and the marriage is scheduled to go ahead as planned even though Emma has her doubts.

When Emma confides in Amy, Amy agrees to stay quiet. But then Steve reports that his 100K is missing, at which point Amy clues Steve in, and Steve then stops the wedding. Emma is left in tears, mostly upset by the fact that Curtis is a thief as well as a liar.

However, it turns out that Curtis didn't steal the cash. There was just a technical snafu which delayed the deposit. So Curtis isn't a thief after all. Whoops. Now what?

Elsewhere, good news... but bad news for excellence in education. Seems that Max was on track to be expelled (or excluded if you prefer) but Daniel interceded and the school relented. Max is back in school. I bet the teaching staff is thrilled.

Speaking of negative thrills, Abi and Kev are back from their honeymoon but Abi's mood soon turns sour when she learns that Kelly is living on the street (at the Alahans) and working at Maria's salon. That's too bad because Kelly seems to be on an upswing, getting a tryout as a hair stylist and helping homeless Stu land a trial gig at Speed Daal.

Sarah and Lydia seem to be getting along nicely but there's that nagging feeling that Adam isn't being entirely truthful about his past relationship with Lydia. Still with the Platts, Audrey has another car accident and finally agrees to get her eyes tested. And then there's Sarah and Adam's brilliant idea to have a joint Barlow-Platt Christmas celebration. Can't wait...

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sarah to David and Shona:
"How about joint Christmas with the Barlows?" 
(How about World War III?)

Audrey to Emma after her wedding is stopped:
"One day, round here, someone will get married, it'll go without a hitch. I'm not holding my breath though"
(Neither am I)

Gemma tries to console Emma after the wedding catastrophe:
"Give us a ring if you want to talk about anything, or if you want to get bladdered"
(I vote for the second option)

David reviews Max's homework:
"Jane Austen didn't write Downton Abbey"
(and Thomas Hardy didn't write The Hardy Boys)

Curtis' Dad to Emma:
"If I were you, I'd get out while you can"
(so, no chance you'll be at the reception?)

Emma finally confronts Curtis:
"I know there's nothing wrong with you"
(well, nothing physically wrong)

Tracy offers to help Steve get in shape:
"I'll give you a horizontal workout if you want"
(try getting that image out of your head!)

Sarah suspends her argument with Adam in favour of reproductive priorities:
"I'm ovulating"
(quick, call the Weatherfield Gazette)

Audrey is tired of Gail mithering her at the Rovers:
"What are you? The Pinot Patrol?"
(she is an expert on fine whines)

Well, fellow non-factitious followers, so ends another week. I must say there certainly seems to be a lot of mulled wine consumption going on, on the Street. And, if the Barlows and the Platts do go ahead with an ill-advised Christmas get-together, they'll need to consume a lot more. Thanks so much for stopping by and spending some time at the Hip. Have a great week!

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