Saturday, February 19, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the New Year's Wee edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

The good news? Leo fancies Jenny. The bad news? Leo's Dad also fancies Jenny.

Nice to know that she's able to bridge the generation gap although she does opt for the millennial rather than the boomer.  Not only that but Jenny decides not to dump Leo (as planned) but rather invites him to move in at the Rovers. Seems they're taking their relationship to the next level.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Looks like the concocted story of Joseph's disappearance is starting to unravel. Hope (in her canny way) points the finger at Bernie as the one who orchestrated Joseph's disappearance in order to claim the reward money. Bernie tries to set the record straight and urges Hope to tell the truth to no avail. Thus Bernissima is hauled down to the police station where an investigation is underway.

Over at the hospital, Tim's operation was successful and Sally finally overcomes her anger at being kept in the dark about Tim's condition and rallies to support him. This is complicated by the fact that she is taken into custody (then released) for urinating in public. Seems a photo of her crime against nature was shared with the august Weatherfield Gazette and published on the front page (must have been a slow news day).

Sally accuses Maria of the 'leak' but Maria sets the record straight and points the finger at a municipal counsellor with a grudge against Sal. 

Like it or not, the crutch story continues. Emma and Faye are becoming increasingly nervous about Ted's death and fear that they will be implicated, especially when it seems that a blood clot from a fall (i.e. Emma hitting him in her car) could have caused Ted's death.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Leo's Dad to Leo when he discovers that his girlfriend is Jenny:
"I had no idea you got yourself a sugar mummy"
(it's a surprise)

Evelyn wants to ensure that Bernie is 
"Don't make me rugby tackle you"
(that could lead to a scrum)

Maria tells Sally she knows who gave the incriminating photo to the press:
"I know who leaked that photo of you taking a leak"
(perhaps you could leak the name of the person who leaked the photo of the leak... to the Gazette)

Leo's is not keen on a prospective tenant's pet snake habitat:
"He's got a massive vivarium"
(Steady on! This is a family show)

George reveals Tim's choice of music for his funeral
"The theme tune from Match of the Day"
(I'm assuming they'll play it at half time)

Headline in the Weatherfield Gazette accompanying the photo of Sally:
"New Year's Wee"
(Sally won't be relieved when she sees that)

Elaine leaves Tim's bedside to search for refreshments:
"Why don't they have bars in hospitals?"
(because people would freak out when they hear the words "last call")

Evelyn interprets Bernie's alleged raise from Dev:
"You sleep with me and I'll give you a big bonus kind of package"
(employees with benefits?)

Well, Bistro buddies, so ends another week. I guess Tim has a sense of timeless tradition, selecting the theme from Match of the Day for his funeral. In case, you're curious, it goes something like this. Thanks for stopping by and have a great (back to our regular schedule) week!

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