Saturday, April 16, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Brains of a Rocking Horse edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

There's good news and bad news.

The good news is Maria's election campaign has already had an impact and the local Council has changed its plans for a future development and acted on Maria's environmental concerns.

The bad news is the new site of the development is the old Brickyard, right where Gary buried the body of Rick Neelan. Gary already re-located Rick once. Now it looks like Rick will be moved again - at this rate he'll be doing more travelling than most of us during COVID.

Apart from the Rick snag, Gary and Maria seem to be doing an admirable job of taking care of Kelly and looking after her dying Mom, Laura. So much so that Laura asks Gary and Maria to be guardians for Kelly after she passes.

Meanwhile, over at Weathy General, Adam is the latest patient to be admitted to the Coronation Street Wing of the hospital. This comes after a heated argument with Lydia in a shopping mall. The dispute ends with Lydia pushing Adam over a balcony rail and down to the ground floor, his fall broken by an awning. A horrified Daniel rushes to help and calls for an ambulance. 

Adam has a few broken ribs and other injuries but he's generally okay. Certainly well enough to leave his hospital bed (amazing how many Coronation Street patients do that) and drop in to the cop shop to get Lydia off the hook as his assailant. 

All this after Lydia reveals her story of being callously shunted aside many years ago by Adam after she got pregnant. Adam for his part admits to Daniel that he can't help it if he's a master puller and a lady magnet. The saga ends as Adam apologizes to Lydia for past misdeeds and Sarah subsequently shows up at the hospital to reconcile with Adam.

Tracy and Steve seem to be botching any attempt to split up Amy and former bad-boy Jacob. A family gathering at the Bistro ends badly and things get worse from then on. Finally Amy decides to leave home and move in with Jacob. Tracy offers Amy a part-time job at the florist as a way of keeping tabs on her and hopefully convincing her to come back home.

Craig is not happy packing boxes under the supervision of master packer Kirk (quelle surprise). This is causing tension between Craig and Faye. Meanwhile Emma continues to secretly date the grandson of the late Ted.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Gary teases Maria on election day as she poses with a promotional umbrella:
"Wally with a brolly"
(a reference to Steve McLaren, former England football manager, lambasted by a headline in an English tabloid after his team lost a key match in the pouring rain)

Kirk announces some bad news to Maria and Phill:
"I'm banned from being Buzzer the Bee"
(cheer up, Kirk, there'll be other insect mascots)

Sarah to Lydia after discovering the truth about her revenge campaign:
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it in the dictionary between shame and syphilis"
(what about 'syncopate'?)

Buzzer the Bee refutes the notion that he's elite:
"We didn't even try pesto till 2003"
(it was a very good year)
Amy to Steve:
"If you had a brain you'd be dangerous"
(fortunately, he's not dangerous)

Tracy to Steve:
"You've got the brains of a rocking horse"
(giddy up!)

Steve tries to convince Amy to stay:
"Your Mom's going out to get some squigey cheese"
(well! this changes everything!)

Tracy to Steve re Amy/Jacob
"What happened to reverse psychology?"
(It backfired)

Steve explains Tracy's rude behaviour to Debbie:
"She's not very good with people"
(or any living creatures)

Bernie apologies to Toyah for taking a bathroom break:
"Just had to wet me lettuce"
(I've never have salad again)

Well, cobble colleagues, so ends another week. I'm still hoping that Maria will pull out a surprise victory in the election but I'm not expecting miracles. Besides, she's got other things to worry about (like helping Gary move a body). Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week!

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