Saturday, April 9, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the social piranha edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Is it just me or does Adam look a bit like Mike Brady (the Brady Bunch Dad) with that new hairstyle?

(not that there's anything wrong with that). 

But the main event continues to be Abi and her newborn baby, Alfie. Abi is now fully committed to being a Mum and wants to make her case for custody. The only problem is it's an uphill battle. Being on the front page of the Weatherfield Gazette as the local woman who abandoned her baby doesn't help.

Toyah continues to provide 24/7 support for Abi and is surprised to find Imran at the baby's bedside in the neo-natal unit. Quick-thinking Abi tells her he's there to help make a case to the court for custody. So Toyah still doesn't know that Imran is Alfie's Dad. Both Imran and Abi wait anxiously as little Alfie undergoes surgery for a bowel problem.

Into the mix comes none other than Kevin. He shows up at the hospital and Abi leads him to believe that her ex (Tez) is Alfie's father. Kev offers Abi a place to stay while she sorts herself out but Abi misreads the signals (thinking that maybe Kev wants her back in his life). The awkward misunderstanding leads to Abi leave and without a place to stay.

Elsewhere, Grace returns to Weatherfield for Baby Glory's first birthday, although the real reason for her appearance is to squeeze another 10K from Ed and Aggie. As you recall, Ed and Aggie already paid Grace a handsome sum to leave town and leave baby Glory with Michael.

Now the truth finally comes out after Ronnie initially refuses to loan Ed the money. Ed and Aggie tell Michael the truth. Grace leaves town without any more hush money since the jig is up.

Looks like Daisy is not too pleased with the return of Nicky. However, she attempts to mask her jealously and defers any attempt to sabotage Nicky's new teaching assistant job. No need anyway since Nicky, it seems, will be working at a different school from Daniel.

Despite Gary's best efforts, Laura is proceeding with her plan to hire a private detective to find Rick Neelan's money. 

Amy seems to be perpetually thwarted in her attempt to see ex-bad boy Jacob as Tracy and Steve insist on spending "quality time" with their daughter.

Back to Adam. Spiraling downward after Lydia successfully sabotages his marriage (at least so far), Adam resorts to the tried and true Coronation Street solutions: booze and flirting. While at the Rovers, he tries it on with a woman at the bar until Daisy summons Daniel to break up the cozy tête-à-tête.

Roy and Sam continue their chess playing under the watchful eye of Leanne (but without Nick's knowledge).

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Shona's description of Abi's situation as an outcast:
"Social piranha" 
(sounds fishy)

Aggie to Ed re: Grace:
"I blame that grasping, devious cow"
(don't hold back)

Adam lies to a woman who asks about his wife:
"She died" 
(That's some pickup line)

Gary warns Laura:
"If you lie down with dogs, you're bound to get worms"
(then don't lie down with dogs)

Roy tells Leanne he would like to demonstrate some chess moves to Sam:
"I would love to show him Vladimirov's Thunderbolt"
(maybe check with Vladimirov first, that sounds a bit personal)

Kirk boasts about his detective abilities to Ed, Aggie and Michael:
"Beth calls me CSI Sutherland "
(has she seen the show?)

Jenny, carrying a box of snack items, to Daisy:
"Can I put my pork scratchings down?"
(Please do)

Toyah advises Abi to tell the truth:
"Lying always ends in disaster"
(please tell that to everyone on Coronation Street)

Daisy assures Daniel that she's no longer jealous:
"You're looking at Daisy 2.0"
(I think I prefer Windows 11)

Well, fellow Street savants, so ends another week. How long can Abi and Imran possibly keep Kev and Toyah from discovering the truth about baby Alfie? Especially with Toyah hovering around Abi at all hours of the day and night. I guess only time will tell but it's rare that a secret remains a secret on Coronation Street. Thanks for stopping by. Always glad to have your company, Have a great week.

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