Saturday, April 23, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Carry On Matron edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Nurse Sally wants to get rid of Elaine, stat!

Seems that Tim's cardio doctor has given him the green light for sex. He and Sally can't wait to get it on and explore Sal's wide variety of role play outfits (real estate agent, nurse, raincoat wearer etc.). The only snag is Tim's Mom, Elaine, who remains a fixture in the Metcalfe house, has no plans to leave and takes a dim view of post-cardiac surgery, sexual hijinks.

Then there's another snag of the um.. 'performance variety'. Say no more.

But the main event last week was the discovery of the body of Rick Neelan and, after Laura's PI concludes his investigation, the focus falls squarely on Gary as the prime suspect. Laura confronts Gary and he finally admits his guilt. But then, as she faces her imminent death, Laura decides to confess to the murder (much to Gary's surprise) as she believes that Gary and Maria offer her daughter the best chance for future support and care. Kelly is shocked by her Mom's confession and refuses to see her despite Gary's entreaties.

Over at Weatherfield General Hospital, baby Alfie is continuing to do well. Can't say the same for Abi though. Her custody hearing goes badly and, unless a further court proceeding overturns the decision, baby Alfie will end up in care. Of course, Imran (who pleaded the case) is determined not to let his son be taken into care and hires a crack lawyer to take over the case to try to make sure that Alfie winds up with Abi. Of course, all this is going on while Toyah is still unaware that Imran is the father of Alfie.

Craig has successful regained his old job as a police officer and Faye (who is pregnant) is pleased. Not so pleased is Emma who continues her romance with Jon (son of deceased Ted).

Something is drastically wrong with Summer as she is studying all the time and not eating. Rev Billy is worried, as is Todd (how did he get back in the picture?)

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Imran assures Abi that he will fight for their baby's welfare:
"My son comes first and he always will"
(what about Elsie?)

Maria to Gary who had plans to move Rick's corpse:
"You've actually got a mate who will help you dispose of a body?"
(Doesn't everyone?) 

The private investigator presents his findings to Laura:
"Rick's dead"
(although he's still moving around)

Adam resolves to apologize to all his exes :
"I'm going chronologically"
(so, starting when you were in short pants?)

Tim's double entendre to Sally:
"I can't wait to go down under"
(I hear the Great Barrier Reef is lovely) 

Real estate agent to Fiz re: the state of her house:
"When were you last serviced?"
(none of your business)

Elaine is shocked to find Sally role playing a nurse to turn on Tim:
"I come home to 'Carry On Matron'"
(nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

Fiz to Ty regarding their breakup and sale of the house:
"Your libido got us into this mess"
(maybe his libido can get them out of the mess?)

Sally reassures Tim after he's unable to perform:
"Pele suffers from it"

Tim assures Sally he's ready for sex:
"I'm like a Rocketman by Elton John"
(More like "Sorry seems to be the hardest word")

Well, Bistro buddies, so ends another week. I wonder if Gary will crack and confess to Rick's murder and surely Toyah will discover the truth about Imran and Abi sometime soon. Guess we'll find out shortly.. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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