Sunday, May 22, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the bad traffic warden edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...


There's nothing worse than a bad traffic warden.

At least, that's what Tim seems to think when Sally tries a little saucy role play to spice up sexy quotient in their marriage. Tim is having some performance issues and he's a bit fragile. Sally's suggestion that he see the doctor isn't well received by him and, in fact, he cancels the doctor appointment.

Elsewhere, Leanne is concerned that Toyah is moving ahead way too fast with her plans for marrying Imran, getting custody of baby Alfie and playing happy families. When Leanne points this out, she is disinvited from Toyah's wedding.

Two big developments this week involve snoring and Max (separately). 

Seems that Amy is not coping at all well with the consequences of someone spiking her drink at the school dance. In fact, she falsely accuses a boy at school and has a meltdown. 

Daniel sees this and realizes that she needs to know the truth about the incident and the fact that Max is the guilty party. But, hang on, Daniel made a deal with the devil telling Max that he would keep quiet about the drugged drink if Max would forget about the fact that it was Daniel who pushed Max down the stairs.

But now all bets are off and Max finally confesses his deed to a horrified Amy. However the fallout lands on Daniel's shoulders as he failed to tell Amy the truth in the first place and allowed her to be traumatized. More to come...

Speaking of Daniel, he has more headaches to deal with as Nicky's past as a sex worker comes to light and she is fired from her teaching job at Weathy High. Daniel assumes that it was Daisy who leaked the info (it was actually Max of course) and, as a result they break up. Without a job or a place to stay, Nicky and her daughter are invited to stay in Daniel's tiny flat with him, Bertie and Paul. Sounds cozy.

Over at Eileen's, the truth finally comes out about George's deep, dark secret. It's snoring. Not a big deal you say? Well, apparently it is loud, very loud (although we have yet to hear the dulcet tones). 

Eileen discounts the snoring issue and insists that George spend the night. All goes well until Todd discovers that George has been solving snore-maggedon... by simply not sleeping.

Carla gives Jacob a job at Underworld but Simon is outraged and determined to give Jacob a hard time.

Finally, Dev's on Tinder? Quick, delete your profile and save yourselves!

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Daniel to Jenny:
"Not everything comes down to sex"
(On Coronation Street, it usually does)

George confesses his deep dark secret to Todd:
"I'm a snorer"
(isn't that a line from "The Joker" by Steve Miller?)

George berates Sean with a new name:
"Lodger Boy"
(maybe "Boy Lodge" would be better?)

Jenny to Daisy re: Nicky:
"She used to earn a living lying on her back"
(maybe she was just skiving, like Stan Ogden?)

Eileen to Todd re: George:
"He's the one inventing Cats"
(I thought that was Andrew Lloyd Webber)

Tim tells Elaine that salad without ham is like the Rolling Stones without Mick Jagger:
"That bit of lettuce is like Keith Richards"
(it's certainly thin enough)

Sean to Eileen:
"You have been fooled by men before"
(including a serial killer)

Daniel thinks Daisy revealed Nicky's past as a sex worker:
"I just wanted to say you're a spiteful cow"
(you could have texted that and used an emoji)

Sally to Tim after he is unenthused by her role play:
"You normally like bad Traffic Warden"
(maybe give him a ticket?)


Well, fellow Rovers Returners, so ends another week. Whither Max? Whither Daniel? (that's enough 'whithers' for one day). Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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