Saturday, May 14, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Tiffany Blue-Knights edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

The Blue-Knights? Ah yes, I think that family lived down the street from the Green-Giants and next door to the Red-Barons.

Seems that Nicky Wheatley's past has been revealed (it was only a matter of time). Despite Weatherfield High's rigorous interview and vetting process, it seems that only now is her history as a sex worker coming to light. This happens as the very jealous and devious Daisy tries to set up Nicky with her ex-boyfriend and footballer, Ashley.

Ashley recognizes Nicky and admits to Daisy that he knows Nicky from the past. After that, the cat (meow!) is out of the bag and Daniel is forced to finally tell Daisy the whole truth about his connection with Nicky and how she provided a weird kind of therapy for him after Sinead died (by dressing up like Sinead). And, BTW, the twosome also had a legover (in Nicky's spare time).

Daisy is shocked and upset. More disturbing is the fact that Max overhears Daniel and Daisy and learns that Nicky was once Tiffany Blue-Knights and worked for an escort agency. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he's going to cause mayhem with this info.

Why do Coronation Street folks insist on discussing very private matters in public? 

There's Daniel and Daisy arguing loudly in the Street about Nicky's past as a sex worker. And then there's Rev. Billy holding court in (wait for it) Roy's Caf as he briefs Todd and Paul about the very delicate and private matter of Summer's eating disorder. Does Summer come into the caf while this is going on? Of course!

Anyway, the bottom line is that Summer's eating disorder has finally been revealed following an alarming incident where she passes out and is taken to hospital. Finally Billy is clued in to what's going on (by Amy) and he is trying (in his own awkward way) to be supportive.

Elsewhere, the battle for custody of baby Alfie is getting uglier by the minute. Once again a private meeting between Abi and her lawyer (with Roy there as supporter/mascot) is being held in (where else?) the caf, only to be interrupted by Toyah.  As the battle intensifies, Imran hires a sleazeball investigator to trail Abi to prove she's still taking drugs. Mr. Sleazeball tells Imran that, for a price, he can fabricate the incriminating evidence.

Kirk seems to be doing well at Underworld as he manages to bring in a new order and elevate his talents beyond packing. 

Sally continues to be irritated by Elaine's presence in the house although Tim doesn't seem to mind even though it's curtailing certain, ahem, "intimate" activities.

George has a few problems: Todd (goes without saying), an upcoming burial of one husband with two wives (don't ask), and a saucy Mexican-themed soiree with Eileen which goes awry. 

And now a few lines from the week that was:

Abi thinks she's no match for Toyah's virtuous qualities:
"She's got her first class honours in yogurt knitting"
(knit one, swirl two)

Evelyn tries to reassure Abi about Alfie:
"He may be potty mouthed before he's potty trained, but he will know that he's loved "
(keyword: potty)

Daisy records a zinger for future use:"
"Reminder: insignificant other"
(Reminder: delete)

Carla gives Kirk a new job title:
"Extra Office Administrator"
(or just "Extra" for short)

Daniel quotes a poem in reference to Daisy:
"My delicious rottenness"
(less delicious, more rotten)

Eileen to George re: her Mexican themed evening:
"We are going south of the border"
(unless Immigration and Customs Enforcement intervenes) 

Summer to Todd who is keeping tabs on her movements:
"You're toxic"
(say no more)

Eileen to George re: his cats: Newton & Ridley:
"You named your cats after a brewery?"
(could have been worse. They could be "Molson" and "Export")

Well, Corrie Caballeros, so ends another week. Looks like there's trouble ahead for Nicky and Daniel now that Max knows about Nicky's past employment. Why can't that lad just buckle down and concentrate on his studies instead of causing grief?  (don't answer that). Thanks so much for the pleasure of your company and have a great week!

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