Saturday, May 7, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the singles summer fun in Sardinia edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Big surprise of the week?

Mrs. Crawshaw's first name is Orla. Seems the Deputy head of Weatherfield High (and Daniel's boss) has marital woes and confides in Daniel. Later she even shows up at his flat with a bottle of vino.

Daniel is certainly juggling a lot of ladies these days. There's his girlfriend Daisy and then there's Nicky who has landed a job at the same school as Daniel. The teaching twosome certainly seem to be getting along swimmingly - much to the chagrin of Daisy.

But the main story of the week is Toyah and Imran. After Toyah throws Imran out and loses out on adopting Elsie, Imran comes back to Toyah with an offer she apparently can't refuse. Imran wants to get back together with Toyah and says together they can raise baby Alfie in the quintessential nuclear family.

Surely Toyah cannot overlook Imran's many shortcomings (infidelity, lies etc. etc.)? Seems she can. And what of Abi, baby Alfie's Mum. Imran thinks Abi is back on the drugs after finding an empty bottle of morphine in her pocket. He believes Abi is not capable of raising the baby and that he will be able to get custody of Alfie.

Abi, of course, is not back on drugs. She was simply doing a good deed by taking the bottle from Kelly who, in a moment of weakness, almost yielded to temptation. 

Speaking of Kelly, George is handling the funeral arrangements for her deceased parents. Maria is reluctant to attend Rick Neelan's service because she is an elected official and it wouldn't look good to attend the funeral of a criminal. However, she relents as Kelly needs her support. 

Emma says her final goodbye before taking off for Australia with Jon. Steve is not happy but reluctantly gives her his blessing. 

Elsewhere, Sam seems to be smitten with fellow chess aficionado Jalena

Turns out neither Craig nor Faye are ready to start a family yet but neither was being honest about it until Beth interceded. 

And Rev Billy is becoming increasingly worried about Summer who seems to be spending all her time revising while neglecting her health.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Mrs. Crawshaw tells Daniel about her husband:
"He used to call me a little limpet" 
(she's not at all like an aquatic snail)

Toyah bemoans her inability to have a baby:
"I know what people think of me: Barren Battersby"
(well, they used to call Steve's ex-wife "Barren Karen")

Toyah reacts to Imran's proposal to get back together and raise Alfie:
"You can't buy me with a baby"
(apparently, you can)

Brian wants to hurry home to prepare a gourmet meal for Cathy:
"Those shallots won't chop themselves"
(unless they're self-chopping shallots)

Tracy is almost convinced that Jon is okay...
"...providing his library card checks out"
(and he's not on the late book return list)

Mrs. Crawshaw recounts to Daniel how she met her husband
"Singles summer fun in Sardinia"
(turns out it wasn't much fun after all)

Todd describes him and George to Leanne:
"He's Batman, I'm the Boy Wonder"
(more like the Joker and the Penguin)

Well, hotpot homies, so ends another week. Emma makes her black cab exit with John. We wish her well. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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