Sunday, June 5, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the anyone for foie gras edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Poor Ken. Doesn't he have enough to worry about without Peter going off on one and doing a George Foreman on Dr. Thorne's grill?

Let's recap. Peter learns that his liver transplant surgeon (Thorne) did a Guinness Book of Records type operation in order to win a bet. He even took a selfie with Peter's liver (everyone say "bile"). The hospital opened an investigation into the high speed transplant but Peter (being Peter) decided to take matters into his own hands and (somewhat predictably) clobbered Thorne, was subsequently arrested, and charged with assault.


Carla tries to talk Thorne out of pressing charges but Thorne simply tries it on with the nasal nymph (which makes Peter even more angry). Finally a deal is reached whereby Thorne agrees to drop the charges and retire, if Peter agrees to withdraw his complaint to the hospital. However, there's a twist. Yes, Thorne is retiring (from the NHS) but he's now accepted a new post in the U.S. (lucky North America).That's not going to go over well with Pete who is not a fan of the self-perpetuating oligarchy (what now?).  Patients of the world unite!

Elsewhere, Summer tries to let down Aadi gently because she's interested is a fellow member of her support group, Aaron. However Aaron is deterred by Summer's eating disorder and breaks off any further relationship (outside group). This puts Summer into even more of a tailspin.

Ty is the odd man out as Fiz has moved away and is busy with her new home with Phill. Fortunately Evelyn is still around to keep Ty company.

Over at Underworld, the truth about Kirk's meteoric rise to sales superstar is finally revealed. It was Jacob who actually made the sales. As a result Kirk is back to packing and Jacob is promoted to sales.

Toyah is reluctant to go out in public with baby Alfie as she thinks people will judge her. Leanne comes up with an idea to solve the problem: a naming ceremony. Bad idea. Abi is not impressed and storms into Imran's office to let him know.

Over at Eileen's, George has been outfitted with a CPAP machine to address the issue of snoring and sleep apnea. Not sure how well it will work and the apparatus looks awfully tight on George.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Peter to Thorne:
"I knew you were a stuck up git"
(I say! That's rather presumptuous, old boy!)

Jacob tries to convince Sarah of Kirk's sales talent:
"He could sell underwear to a nudist"
(only a bare minimum)

Carla to Thorne:
"You really are an arrogant, supercilious infuriating man"
(you had him at "arrogant")

Kirk panics when talking to a client:
"We sell knickers. Buy them today"
(where do I sign?)

Kirk compares himself to a pop star:
"I'm like the Harry Styles of Underworld"
(his mind certainly operates in one direction)

Fellow nurse to Aggie about Thorne's grandiose lectures:
"He's like Elton John without the costumes"
(sorry certainly seems to be his hardest word)

Peter reads the caption under Thorne's selfie with his liver:
"Anyone for foie gras?"
(non. merci)

Well, cobble comrades, so ends another week. Why can't Peter just move on? Why don't chickens have lips? I guess we'll never know the answer to either question. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

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