Saturday, June 18, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the football-based love triangle edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Thank God the school exams have finally arrived!

After endless scenes of Summer studying, revising and banging on about Oxford, it seems that actual exams are actually taking place and Summer is already fretting over how well she did (or didn't) do on the first exam. At the same time, she seems to be in a dangerous, self destructive mode as she purposely mismanages her diabetes.

Amy, on the other hand, seems to be fine except that the squalid flat where she lives with Jacob is a mess (things are so desperate that Jacob takes an unauthorized shower in Eileen's house). Finally Amy is convinced to return to Chez Barlow (with Jacob). 

Speaking of Chez Barlow, neighbourly Ed alerts Steve to a roof problem only to be rebuffed by Stevie Blunder and his suspicious mind. Instead, Steverino engages a young former felon to fix the roof tiles. Ed can only shake his head.

Abi continues her charm offensive with Imran and Toyah so as to get more access to Alfie. Seems to be working. At the same time, social services asks Imran and Toyah if they would like to adopt young Elsie (their recent foster child).  They agree.

So, it seems Phill is planning to write a book about John Stape.  Unfortunately (or fortunately), Hope discovers the project on Phill's computer and takes out her anger by commandeering a backhoe and using it to smash the windshield of Phill's car.

When Fiz finds out about the book she breaks up with Phill (much to Ty's delight). Ty thinks he's back in with a chance - but no luck. After a mano-a-mano wet cement wrestling match (don't ask), Phill and Ty finally make up. Then Phill apologizes to Fiz for the book idea and proposes to her. Ty is crushed.

Dr. Gaddas is quite busy these days dealing with Tim and his ED, as well as Faye and her hormone replacement therapy. 

Daniel (wallowing in self pity) decides that he doesn't deserve a staff teaching job and purposely sabotages his job interview. Over at his crowded flat, Nikki finally confesses her feelings and is rebuffed by Daniel who considers her as a mate. Meanwhile Daisy won't consider getting back together with Daniel until Nikki leaves and, as if on cue, Nikki packs her things and prepares to move out. This is the green light for Daisy to resume her snogfest with Danny Boy.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sean insists to Fiz that he can keep a secret:
"I am the proverbial gatepost"
(if the gatepost is a gossip)

Steve to Ronnie re: him, Tim and Tommy Orpington
"It was like a football-based love triangle"

Fiz to Phill:
"You thought it would be a good idea to drag up the most traumatic period of my life and stick it in a book?"
(well, when you put it like that...)

Phill suggests titles for his proposed book about Stape.
"'From sir with love' or 'The curious tale of a teacher with a temper'" 
(how about "Johnny on the spot" or "Goodbye Mr. Stape" ?)

Grateful Phill to Ty after Ty finds Phill's precious heirloom ring in the wet cement:
"I could snog your face off"
(now there's an interesting storyline)

Phill proposes:
"Will you marry me?"
(are you talking to Fiz or Ty?)


Well, Street savants, so sends another week. Soon the Coronation Street TV schedule on CBC will return to normal... but not until the playoffs finish. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

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