Sunday, June 26, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Imran Habeeb edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Well, fans of good-looking lawyers, there is one less legal eagle on Coronation Street.

Adam? No, he's fine thanks very much, although that hairstyle is pretty deadly. 

It's Imran. He suffered a cardiac arrest after a car accident involving him and Toyah. Toyah survived but, alas, Imran has gone to a better place (live theatre in Nottingham, I believe).

This all happened after a rapid fire sequence of events.

Imran discovers that Abi was planning to do a runner to Costa Rica (using fake passports) with baby Alfie and scuttles the plan. Subsequently, he is accosted by Kelly who knows about Imran's trumped up court evidence against Abi and appeals to his conscience. 

Now Imran is determined to tell the truth about stitching up Abi with fake evidence about her being on drugs. Moreover, Imran resolves to tell Toyah the whole truth. He intercepts Toyah at the police station (she's about to report Abi's fake passport scheme) and convinces her not to file a report. 

The couple then drive home but never make it as their car smashes into a building and the scaffolding on the side of the building threatens to come down on top of the car. Imran calls for help, manages to get out of the car, and then drags Toyah (who was driving) to safety.

Toyah suffers a concussion and broken ribs but Imran suffers a heart attack and is dead at the scene.

The shockwaves resound throughout Coronation Street and soon the finger is pointed at Kevin and/or Abi - both mechanics. Kev had previously messed around with the ignition of the car and the police think he may have tampered with the brakes. Both Kev and Abi are interviewed by the police (separately and without lawyers, 'natch).

However further analysis of the crash scene reveals that the brakes are not the issue. Abi and Kevin are released (and, BTW, back together) and the police spotlight now falls on Toyah. 

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Kev to detective investigating the Imran/Toyah car crash:
"I never touched the brakes"
(that's only included in Kev's premium service package)

Police detective to Toyah:
"You didn't hit the brakes did you?"
(now would be a good time to get a lawyer)

Ty tells Jennie that he and his morose pals are good Rovers customers; 
"Saddos like us, we're your target audience"
(that's a sobering thought for a pub)

Newcomer Frank's opening line to his blind date:
"Have you ever tried using caffeine shampoo?"
(keeps me awake at night)

Frank's blind date reacts to news of Frank's alleged rash::
"I wouldn't put my tackle in danger for anyone"
(after all there's plenty of fish in the sea)

Kelly to Imran re: sleazy Ben:
"You paid that creep to lie for you"
(you'll have to be more specific... there's a lot of creeps)

Imran to Toyah:
"Everything I did. I did it for you"
(quoting a Bryan Adams song only makes it worse)

Well, Corrie colleagues, so ends another week with a shocker. We'll miss Imran, despite his record of lies and infidelity. Oh well. Now we wait to find out what really happened in that crash and who, if anyone, was responsible. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

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