Saturday, July 2, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Dwight Eisen-sour edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Bad news, I'm afraid.

No, not Toyah facing criminal charges (although that is not good). Not the exam cheating palaver. Not even Max learning to cook.

I'm referring to Leo's homebrew horror named Dwight Eisen-sour. Seems this kraft beer katastrophe is making its debut at the Rovers. Jenny and Daisy get a taste of the awful ale and surreptitiously swap it for a more palatable beer. Meanwhile Leo is so chuffed that he contemplates quitting his day job to become a Kraft beer baron. Jenny finally clues him in to his tasteless travesty and Leo is upset.

The main headline of the week is about Toyah and the fact that, after the police investigation of the car crash that killed Imran, she is facing criminal charges. The current theory is that Toyah, in a fit of fury about Imran's deception, purposely drove the car into a building.

Even Toyah's most fervent defender, Leanne, is now having doubts. To make matters worse, Toyah is missing, however Kelly finds her when she goes to Imran and Toyah's flat. Suffice to say that Toyah is not in a good place.

Over at exam central, the continuing saga of Summer takes a nasty turn when she cheats on an exam but poor Aadi is the one who takes blame and is accused of cheating. Mrs. Crawshaw (who seems to have recovered from her marriage breakup) takes charge of the investigation and eventually Summer admits the truth. 

Seems that Sean's new boyfriend, Frank, has some history with George. According to George, Frank was an unpleasant bully during their high school days. George seems to be still traumatized by the experience and wonders if Frank has changed, or is still the nasty piece of work he remembers from school.

Max seems to have a girlfriend and wants to woo her with a meal and so practices his meal prep skills on David and Shona. Brian still wants to move to Cornwall even though Cathy is not keen. Phill and Fiz are sending out wedding invitations but the new house, with its problems, seems to be monopolizing Phill's time.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Jenny tells Brian to stop describing the appearance of the beer:
"It's a pint Brian, not a tinder profile"
(If I were you, I'd swipe left)

Leanne expresses doubts about Toyah to Nick:
"What if she did it on purpose? "
(she'll need a good lawyer)

David questions Shona who is taking an indulgent week off:
"It's duvet day, not duvet week"

Summer confesses to Mrs. Crawshaw:
"It was me. I cheated"
(but, if Oxford calls, Mum's the word)

Todd to Paul:
"Why does everybody assume that I'm some sort of money grubbing sociopath?"
(if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...)

Police detective to Toyah:
"I'm arresting you on suspicion of causing death by careless driving"
(no comment)

Well, cobble comrades, so ends another week. Looks like the Coronation Street schedule reverts to its pre-playoff schedule (with a modification) so do check your local listings and, if you watch live, modify your viewing schedule accordingly. Thanks for spending some time here at the Hip and have a great week.

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