Saturday, July 9, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up : the low-rent, cocktail shaking lothario edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Seems like those poppadums they serve at Speed Dal are quite popular. For two weeks in a row, customers like David have been seen snacking on the crispy appetizers. 

Sadly, that's the only bright spot in a tumultuous week.

It begins with Imran's funeral. After that wraps up, Toyah pops over to the police station to proactively assert her innocence, That doesn't go so well as she winds up getting charged with the murder of Imran and she isn't keen on her lawyer (Toyah actually seems like a bit of a 'tattooist'). 

A desperate Leanne finds a new lawyer for Toyah but she funds the rather expensive lawyer by dipping into the Bistro corporate account. Debbie is not pleased and tells Leanne to pay the money back pronto.

More bad news over at exam central. After confessing to cheating, Summer has decided to follow the grand tradition of most Coronation Street young people and not go to University. Instead, she agrees to go on a getaway vacation with her new boyfriend, Aaron

Home ownership is taking its toll on Fiz and Phill as more repairs and fixes are required to the new house. This at a time when Fiz is preparing for the wedding and insisting that the date not be changed to accommodate the officious Mimi (mother of Phill). But then Mimi discovers that she can in fact attend. Oh joy.

Brian is still angling for an idyllic life in Cornwall selling artisanal fudge to the Cornish punters. Cathy doesn't seem that keen though, even less so when Brian makes a feeble marriage proposal based on insurance benefits. 

Cathy retreats to the Rovers for a session with world-renowned mixologist, Jim Fizz, who must be overly familiar with concoctions like 'Sex on the Beach' since he takes a fancy to a pie-eyed Cathy and winds up in a boozy lip lock.

When the truth comes out, Brian is appalled but then Cathy isn't happy about Brian's secret letters to his ex wife. Still, the twosome make up and Cathy accepts Brian's marriage proposal. Cornwall, here we come... or does Cathy still have reservations?

Young Jack finally discovers the truth about Kev's affair with his Mom (Molly) behind Tyrone's back. Jack is distraught but Ty has a heart-to-heart with the young lad and all is sorted just in time for Abi and Kev to head to court for another custody hearing. Unfortunately, Abi unknowingly slags off the judge in the corridor of the courthouse and then is shocked to find the same woman presiding in court. Whoops!

Max seems to be continuing his budding romance with a fellow student. Shona is cheesed off because her Duvet Week is ruined as she is running around doing things like taking Audrey to the hospital for a follow up appointment after her cataract surgery.

Audrey meanwhile is putting away the vino in large quantities and Gail is worried. Gail also takes a job as a cleaner at the Bistro (well, she does have experience).

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Evelyn to Cathy and Rita:
"When a man is tired of drizzle, he's tired of Manchester" 
(...and must move to Liverpool)

Summer to the three not-so-wise men (BIlly, Paul & Todd):
"I don't want to go to university"
(It's a Coronation Street tradition)

Fiz explains the situation with her new house to Ty:
"Our house is an electrical deathtrap"
(they've got to get out while they're young/because tramps like them, baby, they were born to run)

The mixologist's catch phrase
"Shake it till you make it"
(...with Cathy)

Todd warns Summer not to end up like him:
"I work with dead people"
(...and even they aren't crazy about it)

Brian phones the mixologist:
"Am I speaking to Jim Fizz?"
(please call him Mr. Fizz)

Brian to Cathy after learning about her illicit kiss with Jim Fizz:
"How much indignity am I supposed to take?"
(quite a bit)

Brian to Evelyn about how he found out about Cathy's drunken illicit kiss
"I had to hear it from that low-rent, cocktail shaking lothario"
(please call him Mr. Fizz)

Bernie to Shona who is worn out:
"Do you know what one of the most powerful words in the English language is?"

Bernie explains to David her therapeutic intervention with Shona:
"I'm cleansing your wife's chakras"
(maybe do that behind closed doors - it's a family show)

Well, fellow Coronation Street citizens, so ends another week. Not really sure how Toyah can be charged with murder, especially since Imran actually died of a heart attack several minutes after rescuing her from the crash, and his death was witnessed by a police officer (Craig). Seems like a bit of a stretch by the CPA but, then, what do I know? Thanks, as always, for spending some time here at the Hip and have a great week!

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