Saturday, October 8, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Canadian fellow's accent edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

By using the classic "my head was all over the place" defense, Toyah's legal team managed to win her case and Toyah was acquitted of the murder of Imran.


before the trial, Toyah herself confessed to murdering her husband. She said this to Leanne and to Spider, or should I say Detective Spider, as it seems that Geoffrey is not only married but is also an undercover police officer. Next he'll be telling us that there's no Santa Claus.

Anyhoo, Leanne is relieved to see her sister acquitted and Spider shows up at Toyah's place to offer his support. Saira is not so happy as she feels that Toyah escaped justice.

Over at the Bailey's house, James is happy to be back home after his cardiac episode but not so happy to hear that his team (Come on Weathy County!) has put his contract on the back burner until the medical team can assess James' future on the team.

Things are not going well over at Speed Daal... unless they wanted a cockroach ambience. 

Allow me to explain. Word is getting around that ex-con Stu is working at the resto so naturally the punters are either boycotting the place or releasing nasty insects in the eatery (which is exactly what one fella did). 

On top of that, Alya discovers that the cost of having a bona fide lawyer look into Stu's case is much more than she, Zeedan and Yasmeen can afford.

Kelly and Aadi's plans to get married are revealed to their families and get a less than enthusiastic reaction from Dev. Gary and Maria are more supportive. Aadi and Kelly finally decide to hold off on the marriage and instead opt to get engaged and have a big party. 

However, while sifting through some of her Mom's old photos, Kelly discovers that Laura was in Spain on the night that her Dad (Rick) was killed. Thus, although Laura confessed to the murder, Kelly now knows that it wasn't her, so who was it? Kelly poses the question to Gary.

Over at the Rovers, Jenny and Leo are steaming ahead with plans to move to Canada (good for us!) and making plane reservations on Canadian Airlines (do they still exist?) Daisy is angling to become the Rovers new manager but Jenny's not so sure.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Ryan tries to win Alya back:
"I'm a Grade A idiot"
(but how does that help Alya?)

Sean corrects Eileen et al. about his gift from Lawrence:
"It's not a dressing gown, it's a kimono"
(Just ask Ken. He has one)

Leo extols the qualities of Canada:
"The scenery is stunning. The food is amazing."
(yes, just ask anyone who's been to Swiss Chalet)

Jury foreman announces verdict in Toyah's case:
"We find the defendant not guilty" 
(her head was simply all over the place)

Jenny to Glenda re: Stephen:
"That Canadian fellow's accent is quite confusing"

Aadi comments on Dev's golf cap:
"It's very cappy"
(did he say cappy or crappy?)

Gemma recites her disease history to Toyah:
"Shingles, lyme disease, bunions..."
(you had me at 'Shingles')

Glenda explains her body cream and eye-covering cucumber slices to George:
"I'm cleansing me aura"
(you may need a pressure washer for that)

Gemma asks Glenda about working on a cruise ship.
"Was it like Butlin's on water?"
(more like 'Pirates of the Caribbean' I would think) 


Well, cobble colleagues, so ends another week. I do hope that James can continue his football career after receiving his Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). It also looks like the Rick Neelan's death will continue to haunt Gary as Kelly is asking more questions. Thanks so much for spending some time here at the Hip. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a great week!

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