Sunday, December 18, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the celibate Warren Beatty edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Well, well. If one old flame wasn't enough, another of Ken's exes shows up out of the blue.

Yes, just when Wendy and Ken are starting to rekindle the embers of a romance, who should show up in dramatic fashion but Martha.

Many will remember Martha as Ken's canal boat siren and former flame who returns to the Street as an accomplished thespian and the unlucky actor asked to coach Mary in the upcoming amateur play.

In bygone days, Ken and Martha were making her barge into a veritable 'Love Boat' until Ken left her high and dry - so to speak. But that's all water under the bridge now and Martha has no patience for Ken's arrogance when he tells people that they were just good friends. She leaves in a snit and is told by Brian, the play's director and Mary to make things right so Martha will agree to help with the play.

Elsewhere, Hope's money-making scheme is finally discovered by the teachers at school (about time!) and Hope is suspended for a week. But not until she has sold many copies of the John Stape book (hardcover, 'natch) and threatened a fellow student with a hammer. Ty feels guilty about the whole episode and decides to spend the week with Hope who is pleased to have him wrapped around her little finger.

Sam continues his pursuit of restorative justice with the man (Harvey) who killed his Mum. After an initial volatile visit with Harvey, Leanne and Nick are surprised when a second visit is requested by Harvey. Seems that young Sam is getting into Harvey's head. So much so that Harvey actually apologizes to Sam and he also offers to give Nick the money he needs to buy Debbie's share of the Bistro. Without that money, Nick and Leanne won't be able to find the cash to buy out Deb. But how did Harvey know about the Bistro situation?

Summer gets a warning from Carla about her slack work habits which are due mainly to the fact that she's pregnant and not feeling well. How long can she keep hiding her pregnancy with oversized jumpers? Speaking of Carla, Sarah is once again cheesed off at the menial tasks assigned to her by her Nasal Nemesis.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Martha is not impressed by Ken:
"You really take the biscuit when it comes to arrogance"
(He's the jammy dodger of Jammy dodgers)

Brian to Ken:
"You make Warren Beatty look celibate"
(one might say a 'Brad Pitt the Elder')

Harvey to Sam re: Sam's Mum:
"I'm sorry kid"
(coming from Harvey, that speaks volumes)

Toyah to Griff:
"All I can hear is England for the English"
(and that's just the tip of the Griff racism iceberg)

Ty's apprehensive about assembling Hope's new desk
"Flatpack anxiety"
(also known as Ikea Insomnia) 

Leanne tries to put off a prospective buyer of Deb's half of the Bistro:
"Some nights only the rats get a good meal"
(... and they're lousy tippers too!)

Sally to Fiz re: Rosie's unfortunate experience with John Stape:
"She was kidnapped twice"
(could have been worse, could have been a hat trick) 

Well, fellow Weatherfield Wayfarers, so ends another week. It's great to see Ken's old flames returning to the show. Looking forward to Martha's involvement in the play. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! 

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