Sunday, December 11, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the freedom and decent bogroll edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

First things first. Where can I get one of those cool Speed Daal t-shirts?

Of course, it's a little dangerous to be sporting one of those t-shirts these days ever since Griff and his extremist thugs started vandalizing the restaurant and beating up its employees.

Griff and his numbskull droogs have taken aim at Speed Daal, first by having one of their followers (Spider!) throw paint at the restaurant and then by ambushing young Daryan and beating him up. Of course, Spider isn't really one of Griff's mindless followers. He's working as an undercover cop trying to suss out some big plan that Griff is supposed to be working on.

However, things are getting a little uncomfortable for Spider as Griff no longer trusts him and Toyah has recognized him in a video as one of the thugs who ambushed Daryan.

And it gets worse.

Seems that Max has been well and truly indoctrinated by Griff (not to mention that odious Lauren). As a consequence, he is resistant to David's attempts to stop him from hanging out with the Griffters.  In fact, Max is using his tech skills to help Griff make a little video based on one of Griff's speeches at the community centre. 

Although the crowd turns against Griff's pathetic diatribe and Roy calls him out for his fake facts, Max edits the video to make Griff look like a popular populist. 

Elsewhere, Bernie is looking at doing hard time for a robbery that was actually committed by her doppelganger (Fern). However, at the last minute, Gemma figures out that Howard (Fern's husband) is in on the scam and the pro-Bernie posse comes out in full force to corner Fern and hand her (plus the stolen jewelry) over to the police (i.e. Craig).  Bernie is a free woman and she's grateful to Dev for standing by her when all doubted her.

Debbie is desperate for cash to save her sinking empire and wants to sell her share of the Bistro to Leanne and Nick. However Nick and Leanne don't have the cash so they make a low ball offer. Debs is not impressed.

Stu has received the OK to look after his granddaughter, Eliza, as Eliza's Mom is now serving a jail sentence. Yasmeen is being supportive.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That's Hope's motto as she discovers a bunch of the John Stape books in her outdoor shed or loo (not sure which) and decides to sell them to the kids at school along with signed autographs (for an extra cost).

Finally, Dee Dee accepts a job offer from Adam and she, in turn, wants to hire Alya as a legal assistant. Alya doesn't want to neglect her work at Speed Daal but Yasmeen tells her to go for it.

And now a few lines from the week that was:

Bernie is tired of Howard's reluctance to help exonerate her:
"You're just wasting me time and trying to get into my knickers"
(well, which is it?)

Adam tells Dee Dee that he wants to hire her:
"I like the cut of your jib"
(That's what they said to the crew of the Titanic)

Nina to Spider, Toyah and Roy:
"Fascism's on the rise in this country"
(and on Coronation Street, it seems)

Bernie to Ches and Gemma on the prospect of jail
"Wave goodbye to freedom and decent bogroll"
(not decent bogroll! Oh the humanity!)

Hope to Sam re: the biography of her biological Dad:
"It's such a cool book"
(...if you like books about psycho killers)

Roy interrupts Griff's meeting:
"What you're saying is factually incorrect"
(everything he says is factually incorrect)

Roy to Griff:
"One should never underestimate the importance of facts"
(go get 'em, Roy!)

Well, fellow Hot Pot honchos, so ends another week. How will Spider finesse his way out of this predicament with an ever-suspicious Griff and his mindless thugs? I guess we'll find out soon. Thanks so much for stopping by and spending some time here at the Hip. Have a great week!

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