Saturday, December 3, 2022

Coronation Street Catch Up: the "Google Tracy Barlow" edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...


Work on the Barlow's toilet and roof continues to drag on so Adam gives the contractor a little nudge by suggesting that he, "Google Tracy Barlow".

No doubt the poor contractor subsequently discovered Tracy's um.. "checkered" past including murder. So, chastened (and scared of what Tracy might do), the roof guy returns pronto to fix the toilet and expedite work on the roof.

Adam's a busy fella these days. In addition to helping the inept Daniel and Tracy's solve their toilet problem, he is also busy trying to stop the publication of the new John Stape book (Legacy of Evil - audible version read by Rosie Webster. No stars yet on Goodreads).

Yes, that odious story of John Stape has been published despite the best efforts of Adam to stop the presses. Fiz and Ty hired Adam to prevent the publication of the book which was based on information extracted from Hope under false pretenses. But it's a lost battle unless Ty and Fiz want to fork out thousands and thousands of pounds for a fancy libel lawyer.

Ty, having popped Nick in the eye, decides to visit the book's author at a promotional event and gives him a full-fledged Will Smith-style smack on the face.

Bad move. 

This only gives the book more profile and soon Ty's slap-which-launched-a-thousand books is all over social media. Nice one Ty.

Then Ty has another bright idea. He buys all the books from the local bookstore. Problem solved? Er, no, since the punters can buy the book online. Hope is angry because Ty told her he could stop the book from coming out. Now she fears the repercussions as her biological Dad's story makes the rounds on the Street and at school.

Racism appears to be rearing its ugly head as Max continues to be indoctrinated by the likes of Griff and Lauren (a young member of the Griff army). Lauren doesn't like the look of Speed Dal (where Max works), insists that Daryan made inappropriate comments (he didn't) and says that their "lot"  (i.e. Alya and Daryan) always stick together. Oh boy!

Bernie thinks she has had a stroke of luck as she runs into Fern's husband and he agrees to accompany her to the police to corroborate her story about Fern being the real thief in the robbery. However it seems that Fern's husband (if he really is her hubby) is up to something.

Summer, Aaron, Amy and Jacob are now sharing a flat. Summer, of course, hasn't told Billy that she's pregnant and she certainly hasn't told him that she plans to sell her baby to Esther and Mike who aren't pleased to learn that Billy is unaware of the plan.

Sam has finally convinced Nick and Leanne to allow him to pursue restorative justice by visiting his Mum's killer (Harvey) in jail. Sam asks Roy to accompany him but the request will first have to be approved by the powers that be.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Bernie explains to Howie, Fern's husband, why she was looking for Fern:
"We were having a chat about yeast infections"
(Canesten or Monistat?)

Gemma to Bernie:
"You're still looking for this gang banger ?"
(she means doppelganger)

Dr. Gaddas to Summer about her pregnancy:
"Please consider being honest"
(Are you kidding? This is Coronation Street)

Tracy to Daniel:
"Don't give me all that Shakespeare"
(a pox on your insult!)

 Fiz reads from the book about John Stape:
"Are these the actions of a young psychopath?"
(no comment)

Glenda ogles Billy:
"I'd be happy to fill the gaping void in his life"
(you're playing for the wrong team)

Tim to Tracy:
"You've got a face like a yard of gravy"
(or a metre of Bisto)

Paul recounts the meme of Ty hitting the book's author.
"Floats like a butterfly, slaps like a bee"
(he's a regular Raging Ty)


Well, Weatherfield Watchers, so ends another week. Looks like that book, Legacy of Evil, will be coming out despite the best efforts of Adam, Ty and Fiz. Thanks for dropping by and spending some time here at the Hip. Have a great week!

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