Sunday, January 22, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the constipated stick insect edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Why was Laurence the only one to take off his sweater when everyone was moving Eileen's old couch?

Fortunately he was not required to shed any clothing to carry in the new sofa as it was a miniature  (same price as a full-sized sofa, I assume?)  Comic furniture aside, it looks like Todd is now interested in Laurence while Sean seems destined to have his heart broken (again).

Speaking of Eileen, she received a very 'deus ex machina' email from her other son (i.e. not Todd) inviting her to spend some qualiity time in Thailand

Speaking of quality time, it seems that Max is not keen on Christmas at the Platts. Despite David's heartfelt entreaties, Max decides to move in with Griff and his layabout reprobates. I guess nothing says Christmas like drinking a bottle of beer with some saddo laddos.

Of course there's nothing like Christmas romance and Tyrone (Sylvester) Dobb's surprise wedding certainly had it's share of drama, laughs - and even the return of Evelyn (hurray!) Despite Fiz's late arrival to the ceremony all's well that ends well. All that and a Shania Twain song. 

Meanwhile, over at the Rovers, Daniel proposes to Daisy and she says "yes" although the couple soon have a tiff about Daisy's love of social media. 

Although Gail has her suspicions, slippery Stephen manages to once again wriggle out of a tight spot. Gail confronts Stevie with her findings based on a conversation with Gabrielle. However Elaine intervenes and assures Gail that Gabrielle is a bully and using her controlling behaviour on poor Stephen.

Elaine, who has romantic designs on Steve-o, reneges on her investment in Sarah's new business but then changes her mind and decides that she will invest - until the sale of her house falls through and she doesn't have the cash.

Compounding Sarah's problems is Carla. After a shouting match at Underworld, Sarah quits in a huff and takes Michael with her. Bad idea. When she goes back to grovel and get her job back, Carla unveils Sarah's replacement who is none other than... Stephen! (I hope he likes cleaning the floor in the women's bathroom).  

Rev. Billy and Aaron are still worried about Summer who, unbeknownst to them, turns up at the house of Mike and Esther to pay back a small portion of what she owes them.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Elaine comforts Stephen whom she believes has suffered at the hands of his ex-wife:
"You're still processing the trauma, aren't you?"
(as are we when it comes to Stephen's lies)

Mary to Daisy re: Daniel's bad mood:
"He did have a whiff of a constipated stick insect about him"
(hard to say if you've never met a constipated stick insect)

Sarah to Carla before quitting (with Michael):
"You are an outdated dinosaur"
(Boss-asaurus Rex)

Elaine regales Stephen with the story of his namesake saint:
"He was the first Christian martyr stoned to death in 36 AD"
(hmm, don't give us any ideas)

Sally gves Gail some advice about her new bird table:
"You need to get hold of some fat balls"
(does size really matter?)

David re: Griff:
"He's dreaming of a White Christmas"

Eileen isn't happy about the temporary seating in her living room:
"How many people eat Christmas dinner out of their own coffin?"
(only festive vampires)

Shona counts her blessings at the Platt family Christmas dinner"
"At least this year I didn't get shot"
(O tidings of comfort and joy!)

Well festive friends, so ends another week as the Street celebrates Christmas. Bad move for Sarah to quit her job (and take Michael with her). Even worse move for Carla to hire Stephen to replace her. Goodness only knows what he'll get up to at Underworld. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week. 

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