Saturday, January 28, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Who knew bat watching could be so dangerous?

Roy, now buoyed by the prospect of becoming a Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor  (think of it as winning a BAFTA for Chiroptera excellence) heads over to Weatherfield's primo bat site for a night of small mammal observation with fellow elite bat watchers. 

Unfortunately the event is cancelled due to inclement weather so no one shows up except Roy. 

Meanwhile Nina, Asha and Brian are worried about Roy and go in search of the anorak adventurer. While searching for Royston, Nina falls into the river and hits her head. An alert Brian hauls her out and revives her, while Asha calls for an ambulance. Nina is taken to hospital and is fine. Everyone is contrite and Roy blames himself for - yet again - being unreachable.

The moral of the story? Roy needs a cellphone (preferably with a railway engine ringtone). 

Meanwhile, in another hospital room nearby (one assumes), Ted is in bad shape. Leo's Dad has just returned from Canada with some important info for Jenny. No, it's not about Tim Horton's new breakfast menu - but rather his son's disappearance. 

Unfortunately Ted gets hit by a car (while talking to Stephen) and is taken to hospital. The prognosis is grim and he's not conscious. But then, suddenly, Ted wakes up but can't remember what he wanted to tell Jenny.

Stephen makes up a cock and bull story about Leo not wanting any more to do with Jenny and Ted. He assures Ted that this is his message to Jenny.

Generally speaking, things are going rather well for Stevie - apart from the murder and the fraud. He just snagged a real job working for Carla. He got a gullible Elaine to fork out the money for Sarah's new business. He squeezed 10K out of that food delivery service he worked for after his moped accident.  

Everyone is pissed off with Todd after he makes a pass at LaurenceSean is particularly incensed and it's up to Glenda to force the two to make up. Todd is still suspicious of Laurence, particularly given the strange circumstances surrounding the death of his wife.

Summer is set on becoming a surrogate for Mike and Esther who seem to be in financial trouble. Bailiffs arrive at the house to seize assets and Mike admits that inflation, mortgage rates, expenses, etc. etc. have put the squeeze on their finances. The solution? Mike storms out and winds up drinking at the Bistro and trying it on with Leanne.

Elsewhere, Max is making videos targeted at young kids - like Lily who thinks the video is funny. The thinly-veiled story in the video is an attack on refugees. 

Gemma wants to get married but Chesney says they can't afford it.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Laurence to Todd after Todd's lip lock:
"Your gaydar is faulty"
(hope it's still under warranty)

Griff to Spider as he teaches Max self-defence:
"There's some right nutters out there"
(...and inside Griff's flat)

Sean is incensed at Todd's behaviour:
"That's what they should call you: the couple destroyer"
(isn't that the next Marvel superhero movie?)

Jenny appreciates Stephen's support:
"Thank you for looking out for me"
(yes, he's one of a kind... thank goodness)

Asha to Nina:
"I'm going to be a paramedic"
(Finally! A young person with career aspirations. Huzzah!)

Well, Bat Roost Buddies, so ends another week.  Stephen continues to weave his web of deceit and seems to be conning everyone. Hopefully someone will start to clue in to his misdeeds before he wreaks more havoc. Thanks for stopping by and spending some time here. Have a great week.

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