Saturday, February 4, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the aubergine emoji edition

your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

First question: what on earth is a Canook?

That seems to be how Stephen refers to his Canadian identity. Clearly, the deceptive deviant didn't spend enough time studying Canadiana when he was living in the Great White North (and he certainly didn't watch any Vancouver Canook hockey games).

However, the ubiquitous Stephen is keeping close tabs on Ted (Leo's father) as Ted recovers from his accident and is now staying with Jenny. That doesn't stop Stevie from popping in every five minutes to make sure that Ted doesn't remember any details of his trip to Canada (where Ted went searching for his son).

Over at the Tat (er, I mean Peace) Market, a terrible tragedy is averted thanks to Alya. Seems that Griff and his stooges planted a bomb in the Speed Dal van which was parked in the market area. As crowds gather in the market, Max sounds the alarm (maybe he's turned over a new leaf?) and Alya drives the van to an empty lot where it promptly blows up. Alya escapes with minor injuries.

Spider is in hospital with injuries suffered at the hands of Griff (who discovered that Spider was an informant). However, Spider decides to discharge himself and go in search of Griff who is on the run following the bomb explosion.

Meanwhile it seems that David and Max have reconciled - until David pops out of the house for a jiffy and Griff pops in to convince Max to lie and say that the bomb plot was hatched and executed by the three stooges rather than Griff. However Spider busts in and arrests Griff and the cops take him away.

But, while chatting over tea, Max reveals to David that - despite Griff's misplaced violent actions - he actually shares Griff's racist ideology (maybe he hasn't turned over a new leaf).

Elsewhere, Bernie, Gemma, and innocent bystander Michael, are in a standoff at school with an imperious teacher who doesn't want Joseph to use sign language in school. Seems the protesters win the day.

The Dad Triad (TriDad) of Todd, Paul and Billy come up with a plan to dissuade Summer from being a surrogate for Mike and Esther. They offer her a cheque (post dated, 'natch) for 8,000 pounds which Summer can use to pay back money she owes to the creepy couple. No dice. Summer still feels obliged to be a surrogate. 

Damon uses his leverage to get Jacob a fulltime job at the Bistro so Jacob reluctantly quits his job at Underworld. Then Papa Damon wants Jacob to be his point person at the Bistro because Damon plans to use the Bistro as a transit point for drugs. Jacob refuses but Damon isn't taking no for an answer - and he means it.

Daisy wants to get married in a big fancy place but Daniel says he can't because he just got a job teaching young delinquents.

Roy doesn't quite grasp the implication of vegetable emojis and creates some interesting text messages. Say no more.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Griff to Max:
"We can help make Britain great again together"
(you mean like an Empire of Louts?)

Max shocks David with his white supremacist views:
"You can't stop me from telling my truth"
(or lies)

Alya to Max:
"If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas"
(that's an analogy, right?)

Stephen refers to himself in a self-deprecating way: 
"Some thoughtless old Canook"

Griff's insult to Spider:
"A tool of the state"
(better than just being a tool)

Alya finds something suspicious in the Speed Dal van:
"I think it's a bomb"
(either that or the worst MOT ever)

Roy to Carla and Peter re: an aubergine emoji:
"It's simply a vegetable"
(just step away from the phone, Roy) 

Well, frigid followers, so ends another week and it looks like Griff has finally been stopped... or has he? Max still seems to be under his influence although he disavows the violent tactics. And what happens to Spider now? Maybe he'll join Craig at the local cop shop. They'd make quite a tandem. Think Starsky and Hutch. Ah well, thanks so much for sharing your company here. Stay warm and have a great week!

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