Saturday, February 25, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Penelope and Lance editon

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

It's been a banner week for outstanding performances by animals, from the subtle nuance of Cilla the Chinchilla (we hardly knew ye!) to the understated intensity of Peanut the Dachshund - not to mention stellar acting by David (the dog, not the son of Gail) and the ever-versatile Cerberus. Let the BAFTA nominations begin!

But, on the non-animal side, things are not going so well.

First, a refugee centre event goes awry when a punk named Blake (inspired by Max's racist videos) lunges at Maria with a knife but instead ends up stabbing Alya. Max tries to stop Blake before he can act but is held back by Gary. Alya is taken to hospital with a punctured lung but is finally well enough to be discharged from hospital.

Blake is arrested and the police also haul Max down to the station for interrogation. Although David manages to find a good lawyer and encourages Max to plead 'not guilty' to the charges he's facing, Max decides to take responsibility for his actions and pleads guilty. He could be facing 15 years in jail.

Daniel is successful in engineering a reconciliation of sorts between Daisy and her biological Mum, Christina. However, while Daisy is busy securing free stuff for the wedding (in exchange for social media publicity), Daniel is not so successful in getting free flowers from Tracy (aka "the tulip tyrant") in exchange for mentions in Daisy's social media posts. 

On top of that, Daisy continues to receive disturbing messages from her online (and in person) stalker.

Over at the Dobbs house, Ty and Fiz try to spice up their romance with a little role play. Ty is an Irish stud farmer named Lance and Fiz is a blonde named Penelope. It all goes awry when Evelyn (suspecting infidelity) and Roy show up to bust up the spicy hotel rendezvous.

Back at home, Ty and the girls decide that a Chinchilla would make an ideal pet (much to Fiz's chagrin). However the pet's stay is short-lived as her cage is left open and Cilla the Chinchilla meets an untimely end. The prime suspect is Peanut, who happens to be at the house.

Hope is convinced that Peanut caused the death of Cilla and plots her revenge (by faking a dog bite from Peanut). A horrified Fiz reports the dog to the police and, when Hope learns that Peanut may be put down as a result, she starts to regret her evil actions.

Gemma is royally bugged by poor Chesney's attempt to start a gourmet burger place. Gemma resents the fact that Chesney used money from their wedding savings to fund the venture. Paul comes to the rescue offering financial assistance and dinner at Speed Dal so the couple can make up.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Hope to Sam re: her plan to seek revenge on Peanut for allegedly killing Cilla:
"Getting even is the best therapy there is"
(is that Jungian or Freudian?)

Beth to Fiz re: Cilla:
"She's part of the rodent family"
(I smell a rat)

Daisy's Mom to Daisy re: her wedding dresses:
"You're not Meghan Markle"
(and Daniel is no Prince Harry... although his flat was rather Spare)

Evelyn to Roy re: her fears that Tyrone is playing away again:
"You can smell the aftershave from here"
(I love the smell of Old Spice in the morning)

Evelyn to Roy at their stakeout of Ty's suspected infidelity:
"How's your mocktail?"

Ty introduces his role play character to Evelyn:
"I'm Lance"
(Lance Bond?)

Evelyn to Roy:
"We'll leave Penelope and Lance the bill for our drinks"
(Lance's Irish stud farm profits will more than pay for that)

Beth is not impressed by Stephen's rallying cry at the factory:
"That sounds like Canadian speak for exploitation"
(work faster, eh)

Max to Detective Swain:
"I am not scum"
(that would be Griff)

Kirk to Ty and Fiz after Peanut is linked to the demise of Cilla:
"It's just hard when your daughter's accused of murder"
(you'll need an actual legal beagle to defend her in court)

Well, convivial cobbleros, so ends another week. I'm not loving the imminent danger posed to poor Peanut by Hope's false biting report. Hopefully someone will see sense.. and soon. Will Max be sentenced to 15 years? I guess we'll find out. Thanks so much for spending some time here at the Hip. Always great to have your company. Have a great week!

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