Sunday, March 5, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the green patch of Zen edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Did you hear the one about the two hoodlums who walk into a Bistro looking for drugs?

It's no joke, especially for young Sam who happens to be in the Bistro just when the two thugs barge in threatening Ryan and firing a warning shot. Seems the two miscreants are part of the "competition" vying for Damon's thriving illicit drug business. 

Fortunately (I guess), Damon comes to the rescue and executes a well-timed Rugby Seven's tackle on the gun-toting thug. He thus thwarts what could have been an even more ugly incident. The coppers arrive and Nick is warned (by Damon) to play dumb (no problem) and not reveal the fact that Damon is using the Bistro as a drug depot. Just to make sure, the police sniffer dog checks out the place (if they get any more sniffer dogs coming to the Bistro, they'll have to put kibble on the menu).

Nick finally tells Leanne the truth about Damon, his involvement with the Bistro and the fact that he is Harvey's brother. Leanne is not amused and tries her best to extricate herself and Nick from the clutches of Damon. Damon insists that the current drug delivery to the Bistro is the last. But is he telling the truth?

Eileen is back from Thailand looking svelte and refreshed and with souvenirs for all. However, she and Todd learn more disturbing news about Sean's beau (Laurence). Seems a random cab driver recognizes Laurence and warns Eileen and Todd to tell Sean to be careful. When Sean gets wind of Todd's concerns, he assumes that Todd is simply jealous. However Eileen and Todd are determined to find out more about Laurence's murky past.

Daisy and Daniel are having more problems with social media pest and real-life stalker Justin. Justin shows up at a wedding fair where Daisy is trying on wedding dresses. He insists that he and Daisy are meant to be together. Later, Daniel catches up with Justin and tries to empathize with him and make him see sense. It doesn't work and Daniel and Daisy subsequently go to the police where Craig explains that the police can't do much at the moment. He says Daisy should start keeping a diary and record every incident. Daisy is not impressed.

Seems that Beth did in fact slap Hope during a confrontation after Hope lied about Peanut biting her. Beth tries to make peace with Hope, but Hope seems to sense an opportunity to exploit the situation.

Bernie turns out to be a better golfer than Dev and Dev is being a big baby about it. 

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Sam to Nick and Leanne after two masked robbers with guns invade the Bistro:
"I didn't expect to be in an actual war zone"
(unless it's one of those Bistro theme nights)

Dev complains to Aadi that losing a golf game to Bernie encroaches on his happy place:
"My green patch of Zen"
(par for the course)

Nick updates Leanne on the location of Damon's contraband:
"The drugs are here "
(you can't miss them. The package label says 'Damon's Drugs')
Daisy to Craig re: Justin the stalker:
"Every time he hounds me, I am going to hound you"
(it's a dog-eat-dog world)
Daisy to Daniel:
"I'm not going to let some disillusioned old troll interfere with our life"
(what about a disillusioned young troll?)

Eileen to Todd and George re: her vaunted status in Thailand:
"I was like some kind of Monkey God"
(Me Tarzan, You Eileen)
Ty to Hope after he catches her with the stuffed animal from Trim Up North
"Why have you got David Platt's weasel?"
(don't ask)

David to Ty who shows up with his stuffed animal:
"Is that my weasel, Vin Diesel?"
(the actor or the inanimate object?)

Well, fellow Hotpot Honchos, so ends another week. What happened to Stephen? I guess even Canadian serial killers deserve a week off. I'm sure he'll be back, eh? Thanks so much for dropping by and have a great week.

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