Sunday, March 26, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the bathing with a toaster edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

The highlight of the week?

Daniel teaching Philip Larkin to his students at the juvenile detention centre.

Well... maybe not, but still, good to know that one of post-war England's most famous poets is getting his due with the incarcerated yobbo demographic.

More pertinent to readers are the ongoing slime ball manoeuvres of Stephen as he tries to grab control of Underworld. After lacing Carla's beverages with LSD, Stephen takes charge (temporarily) of the factory along with Sarah. While Carla is absent, Stevie acquaints himself with the corporate structure of Underworld and discovers that he can unseat Carla if he can get a vote of non-confidence from the factory workers (who own 50% of the business).

Sounds like an excellent evil plan but it's derailed when the staff vote "no". Faye tips off Carla. Carla returns to the factory with gusto and promptly fires Stephen... for a while. Seems that Carla really needs that big contract with Rufus and Rufus (who is being blackmailed by Stephen) will only work with the conniving Canadian. So Stephen is back... with a promotion.

Speaking of Faye, it seems that her biological daughter (Miley) along with Miley's adoptive parents have returned to the UK. Faye tells Sally that she doesn't want to see her daughter. But will she change her mind? Especially since she can't have children of her own.

The stalking nightmare continues for Daisy. There are the interminable phone messages and the fact that Justin is showing up at her doorstep to make deliveries - including some wedding cake samples. Fortunately (or not) Gemma is on hand to sample the cakes and make sure they are not poisoned. The verdict? Ginger, yes. Poison, no.

Paul is experiencing problems with his hand following his accident (when Carla ran into him as he sat on Peter's motorbike). The solution? See a doctor? No. Check worker's compensation? No. Get a lawyer? Yes! Seems Dee Dee is ready to take on the case and sue Carla. Rev. Billy seems quite gung ho about the idea. 

Some good news! 

Elaine and Stephen are buying a flat together. Just kidding. Definitely not that! 

Daryan has found his brother. He's in Nottingham and, thanks to the generosity of Maria, Gary and Nina (along with some wise words from Evelyn), the young refugee is looking forward to being reunited with his sibling.

Over at the detention centre, Max has an emotional visit from Alya and afterwards Max decides that he wants to see his family. Looks like the young lad might be heading in a postive direction. And, as a bonus, Shona and David seem to have reconciled after David's inopportune lunge at Maria.

And - the icing on the anti-racism cake - Spider manages to get information from Griff which allows the police to arrest the turdmeister who has been funding Griff's activities. Turns out it was Maria's fellow concillor, Len Cameron.  Nice work, Spidey!

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Peter to Carla, who's up for some racy "activity":
"I've got some pretty good jigsaws"
(have you got one with a 50 Shades of Grey theme?)

Stephen to Sarah:
"Telling Carla something she doesn’t want to hear is like taking a bath with a toaster"
(I'll run the water)
Gemma to Daisy
"So you've got a stalker and he delivers cakes?"
(Amazon Prime, probably)

Gemma, while tasting cakes:
"I hate ginger"
(not a good omen for Prince Harry)

Carla to Stephen 
"You're a snake"
(an insult to reptiles everywhere)

Stephen to Carla:
"Do you know how valuable I am?"
(No, but hum a few bars and maybe she'll pick it up)

Carla to Underworld staff:
"Loyalty means more to me than anything else in the world"
(Is this a good time to ask for a raise... or at least a cake run?)

David to Jenny (who's eavesdropping on his conversation):
"What's French for 'keep your beak out' ?"
(Gardez votre beak dehors?)
Shona to Evelyn re: Roy: 
"He's at his Bat Society AGM"
(it takes place at night, 'natch)
Well, faithful followers, so ends another week. Thanks so much for dropping by and have a great week.

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