Sunday, March 19, 2023

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Evil Knievel edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Gee, for a guy who killed a loan shark and buried him in the woods, Gary sure takes the high moral ground these days.

First, he shows up at Max's trial and is adamant that Max be punished even though Maria herself shows some compassion for the groomed racist. Then, when Gary finds out that a drunk David tried to snog Maria, he goes nuclear and confronts sad sack Davey in the Rovers.

Anyhoo, the bottom line is that David is in a bad way (not to mention Max). 

Max was sentenced to 10 months detention and, almost as soon as he arrives at the detention centre, he is bullied and assaulted. Meanwhile, David is despairing because Max makes it clear that he doesn't want David to visit. Shona makes a surprise visit to Weatherfield but, after Gary's testosterone-fueled confrontation with David, she leaves him. Could things get any worse?

Speaking of worse, over at the factory, Stephen's sinister plot continues as he laces Carla's beverages with LSD. After one such dose, Carla promptly drives the Underworld van into Peter's new motorcycle (with Paul sitting on it). This never would have happened if Peter had just kept the tasty bhaji and not traded up - just saying.

Paul is okay but Peter fears for Carla's well-being and urges her to step back from her work at the factory. Creepy Stephen is hovering around to make sure that his evil initiative is going according to plan.

Still on the subject of Paul, seems Rev Billy wants to get back together with him. Paul is reluctant because Billy doesn't know that Paul was the one who actually slugged Mike (remember Esther and Mike?) Todd took the blame for that incident to save Paul from getting a jail sentence. After he hears the truth, Billy still wants to get back together with Paul so, I guess, all's well that ends well.

Not so for Amy who has unwisely invited homeless (temporarily) Brian (aka B Dog) to move into the flat with her and Aaron and Summer. Boomer Brian is not exactly a groovy addition to the household nor is he a welcome asset at parties. 

More bad news for Daisy as creepmeister and stalker Justin manages to get hold of her phone number and is now leaving voicemail messages.

Alya is clearly not dealing well with her post-assault trauma. She returns to work only to berate a client of Adam and Dee Dee. However Alya subsequently seeks out Ryan and spends a nice evening with him. It seems that the couple may reunite. 

As for Zeedan, he is off to London to revive his marriage to Marrium and work in her restaurant. Marrium seems to have forgiven both Alya and Zee for standing by and watching her Dad die. Hmm.

And now for some lines from the week that was:

Carla to Peter:
"Peter, you're hardly Evil Knievel"
(more like a Faux Fonzie)

Billy to Paul:
"I miss you and I want you back"

Mary to Amy and Aaron:
"Brian may be our very own Carlos Santana"
(more like Milli Vanilli or Rick Astley)

Carla to Peter:
"Peter, I'm not psychotic"
(no, but Stephen is)

Stephen to Carla:
"I'm here to help"
(right... and chickens have lips)

Debbie to Maria after her hair styling:
"I look positively elf-like"
(I'm sure the elves will be pleased)


Well, fellow Streetcars supporters, so ends another week. So far, no one seems to be the least bit suspicious of Stephen's obsequious nosiness and what he might really be up to. And what about the mysterious disappearances of Teddy and Leo?  Any further investigation? Oh well. Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week!

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