Sunday, April 28, 2024

Coronation Street Catch Up: the Captain Irresistible edition

 your one stop update on what happened last week on Canada's Coronation Street...

Oh my! Now that Tracy's waltzed off to Spain to be with her fancy man (Tommy O.), who's going to run the flower shop? 

And will the name change from Preston's Petals to something catchier... like Steve's Stamens? or Amy's Annuals? or maybe even Pistil Packin' Mary's? (that's quite enough - editor)

Steve and Tracy were briefly reunited after Tommy went to Spain (mainly because Tracy couldn't find a reasonably-priced flat). But then Tommy left a note (or letter) for Tracy asking her to join him mañana. Steve intercepted the note (or letter) and burned it. Of course, Tracy soon discovers the truth and gives Steve the heave-ho (2.0) and leaves for sunny Spain.

Truth be told, Steve does seem quite desperate (not an attractive quality). Case in point: when the Rovers held a speed dating night, Steve struck out (with former drug addict Cassie) and when he tried to "pull" at a hotel bar, Ken did better.

Elsewhere, Brian managed to retrieve Paul's tablet from a lowlife and returned it to Paul. 

The somewhat common refrain of Chesney and Gemma having no money came up again as Chesney tried to fob off Aadi's old Oakhill uniform on Joseph until Glam Gran Linda stepped in and insisted on buying a new uniform for Joseph.

At the Rovers, poor Glenda is in shock after thieves broke into the pub and terrorized her while Jenny and Daisy were off enjoying themselves.

Speaking of Daisy, the charm-challenged young lady continues to be at odds with the similarly charm-challenged Bethany. It's a regular viperfest. However Bethany is using her modest journalism skills to investigate where Jenny and Daisy got all their money from. 

After wangling a dinner invitation from Daisy, Bethany uses the pretext to rifle through the drawers in the Rovers sitting room and finds Stephen Reid's diary. You will recall that the diary helped Daisy crack the password to Stephen's secret bank account. One supposes that Bethany will try to follow in Daisy's footsteps.

Over at Maria's, Gary wants to sell the factory in order to raise the cash which will allow him and Maria to continue homeschooling Liam. Maria also asks Audrey if she can work part-time. Audrey agrees but clearly Maria is not yet ready to return to work.

And now for a few lines from the week that was:

Steve's name for Ken after Ken got lucky (but Steve didn't) at the hotel bar:
"Captain Irresistible"
(Marvel's latest nonagenarian superhero)

Cassie to a speed dating fella who pulls a pachyderm from his pocket:
"Do you always carry an elephant?"
(.. or are you just happy to see her?)

Glenda to the same pachyderm-packing punter:
"Your elephant is very, very small"
(Pfizer makes a drug which can help with that)

Carla to Jenny and Daisy:
"The world needs more women like you"
(female thieves?)

Tracy to Steve after Tommy leaves for Spain:
"I am back baby"
(but not for long)

Mary to Brian:
"I'm in desperate need of a board game"
(aren't we all)

Daisy to Bethany:
"Get out before I dip your ratty extensions in the hotpot"
(although... that may enhance the flavour)

Mary to Dev:
"I love a man with a lengthy lexicon"
(his vocabulary's pretty good too)

Daisy to Bethany after reluctantly inviting her to dinner:
"There's no show without punch"
(what does that even mean?)

Daisy to Bethany:
"Feeding people is a way of giving love"
(gag me with a spoon)

Well, fellow Rovers regulars, so ends another week. We bid farewell to Tracy who leaves for sunnier climes. Will she return or will she and Tommy O. live happily ever after in España? Only time will tell. Thanks so much for dropping by and spending some time here at the Hip. Have a great week!

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