Friday, January 20, 2012

Tony Gordon It's Friday - the reflexology edition

please note: this post makes reference to the Jan 19 episode on CBC

The Reflexology? Wasn't that a song by Duran Duran? You remember, the one where Simon LeBon was prancing around on a yacht pretending to sing? (wasn't he always pretending to sing? - ed). Or maybe I'm getting that confused with something else (The reflux? - ed). Anyhoo, let's turn out attention from Simon LeBon to Simon LeBad, aka David Platt. Now that he's got control of the salon, God knows what will happen (OAPs run for your lives!). Hmm, reminds me of a post I once wrote.. (get on with it - ed).  This week I did not lose my notes (too bad -ed) so let's get it on:

Becky has a choice comment for Nick's mom at the Bistro:
"Gail, those toilets won't clean themselves"
(unless they are those fancy new toilets made in Japan)

Tracy objects to Steve's name-calling:
"let's not get hung up on labels"
(You say 'potato' and I say 'cold blooded murderer')

Audrey assures Maria that Mrs. Oliver is not privy to their conversation:
"She can't hear. She's under the dryer"
(Think of it as a 'cone of silence' with a heating element)

Audrey chats with another woman at the Crosswires lunch:
"And how long has your husband been dressing up?"
(Since palazzo pants came back into fashion)

Kylie revises her opinion of Gail and tells David:
"She's not a complete and utter cow after all"
(no offense)

Tommy explains his raison d'etre to Tina:
"I'm like a shark. if they stop flirting, they die"
(Reminds me of that TV show about a Great White called 'Slapper')

Kylie makes a candid confession to Julie:
"I hate feet and yours are rank"
(don't hold back, tell us how you really feel)

Lloyd tells Steve what he thinks of Steve's one-night stand with Tracy:
"you're as mad as a box of frogs"
(that's an insult to frogs... and boxes)

David tells Gail the secret to handling Becky:
"Just keep her away from sledgehammers"
(sounds easy enough)

Former 'model' Beth to her date, Steve:
"My life has been going down the toilet so fast, you wouldn't believe it"
(Fortunately, Gail has cleaned them)

And that'll do it for the week. Not a bad week really. Becky keeps doing the same drama but, on the other hand, watching David and Kylie run the salon is a whole sitcom unto itself. OAPs beware! Hope you had a good week and enjoy the omnibus on Sunday. I'll see you back here next week for more of the Hip. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

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